please help!


Orange Belt
[FONT=Verdana, Times New Roman, Helvetica]Hey folks,

I am setting into motion a plan to teach a 'self defense seminar' at one or more of the local junior highs and high schools.

Does anyone here have any experience with this?

I am awaiting a reply from one of my old teachers who is still teaching at this local school district but for now I'm trying to find anyone who has done something like this.

I want to help my community by offering a class on self defense, or handling bullies. This would likely be a one time seminar, repeated at additional schools eventually.

I figure that my outline would need to be reviewed by someone within the school district or legal team?

I would have to teach in a very specific manner to promote ethics that are in line with the school district's mission and insure that legally everyone is protected now and in the future. I figure I can't say to the kids, "punch that jerk in the nose!" so I know this would have to be treated very carefully, so that I am not promoting violence, I want to promote self discipline, and instill the values of accountability, confidence, and respect, through the study of self defense. I intend to outline the numerous benefits that crossover into scholastic studies, improved ability to memorize, improved fitness/health, improved ability to cope with stress/development of coping skills, and all the other benefits that come from studying a martial art.

I am studying school violence statistics throughout my state and building an outline of what I would teach. I want to address the most common forms of 'abuse', verbal and physical, and empower the students to handle these situations with confidence, care, and respect.

any help is very appreciated, thanks!

Good luck!

Are you going to teach a course under the auspices of the school system? If so, how will you choose students, or reject students? Will it be an extracuricular, after school class? The rules might be relaxed a little. Your idea of legal review is good. If I were you, I would try to talk with them, or write down some of your ideas and teaching methods and goals, for them to comment on. I once tried to help my GM get something like that going. It quickly became focosed on after school, and then just quietly died. I think the schools were afraid of it on several levels. And I don't think they even knew the different between TKD and HKD.

Again, good luck. It is probably a good idea whose time may never come.
I suggest focusing on Blocking. If they have the gaul to fight back in the first place, the Hitting Back aspect isnt exactly something They wont be able to do of their own accord. Plus, it helps with any Liability Issues.
You need to teach what is called "Verbal Self Defense" How to avoid, or diffuse a situation. How to be confident when doing so but not be aggressive or confrontational at the same time. There should be no actual violence or striking involved. You will need to read up on verbal self defense. Most schools have a zero tolerance for any violence.

Good luck.
with all the regulations schools have tody it may be a difficult task. Make sure you know what the school will allow and check with those in charge before you start the program. Stay within their guide lines BUT if needed you can always tell the students that a more in depth course will be taught ( at the time and place you choose)
I teach a self defense course at the elementary school I work at. I teach the 6,7 & 8th graders.
I teach them the jab, cross, hammer fist, eye jabs, front kick, elbows & knees.
I show them how to cover-up their bodies with their forearms and elbows.
We go through a few escape moves (wrist grabs etc.).
I lecture them on when they can and cannot engage and the difference between combat and self defense.
I tell them that it's all about survival so running is your best defense. Yell fire instead of help and
how to walk in parking lots and city streets. Self defense starts long before a punch is thrown.

This course meets twice a week for 3 weeks.

Hope this helps.
OK I would suggest that you first go to the school and the school system administration and find out what they will and will not allow, keeps the legal trouble to a min, then I would also say, deescalation is good, blocking is good too. but awareness and what I have called anti ambush know how maybe a good things to. such as how to walk and where in a parking lot, or dark street, when to run and when to fight, and especially when its combat, and illegal and when its self defense and no rules apply.

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