Thanks for the great replies. I'm going to stick to just one art for now. I went to a free trial class of Wing Chun the other day. The instructor is great and the class size is nice and small. I got a real family feel out of it. He taught me one on one for that class. He tried to teach me just the beginning 10 or so moves of Sil Lum Tao and showed me how effective of an art Wing Chun is with various basic attack/defend scenarios. I told him that I'd start next week and try it for a month. I just received an email from another Kung Fu school in town just now though.
They said: "I would be more then happy to set up a one week free one to one lesson trial to help answer all questions that may arise. Our style encompasses many levels of training and one of these levels would be hubid lubid which translates to, "entangle and to disentangle" in which is very close to what you are looking for in Wing Chun. If you are looking for an art form that takes time and covers all aspects of the martial arts your looking for, and more, from hard to soft, standing to ground, distance to enclose, energy to no energy, give us a call to set up an interview."
I googled this sifu and it turns out he is an 8th-degree, white-sash master of Shaolin Kempo Kung-Fu. This is his bio:
What do you think? A couple days ago I was commited to joining Wing Chun but now, I'm again not too sure.