Please Do Not Forget


Purple Belt
Apr 18, 2008
Reaction score
Inland Empire, CA
I found this video tribute to the troops on Youtube while surfing the net last week. It nearly brought tears to my eyes watching it. It's one of the things that motivates me out here in the Desert to do my job. Please check your political views on the Iraq War or any of our conflicts at the door when watching this.

The video commemorates no specific individual or unit, but the generation of soldiers out here and elsewhere.
These brave men and women who gave the last full measure should never be forgotten. I ask that any who read this thread please send it to all your friends on e-mail.
For those who were killed in battle,
For those who gave up their lives to save others
For those who fought because they were forced to,
For those who died standing up for a just cause
For those who said war was wrong,
For those who tried to make the peace
For those who prayed when others had no time to pray

For those creatures who needlessly die
For those trees that needlessly are slaughtered
For all of mankind

let us quietly pray:

May your God hold them in peace
May Love flow over the Earth and cleanse us all
This day and for always.

Marianne Griffin
11am 11 November 2004
This is from The Ode of Remembrance that is recited on Anzac day in Australia and New Zealand but I thought it fitting for this as well. They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them. Lest we forget .