This is disgusting.
That many people were not smart enough to take a fixed rate mortgage and instead gambled and lost with Adjustable Rate Mortgages is sad, but, to claim it is racist is just stupid.
I am really getting sick of hearing of the "Sub Prime Crisis" Yes, some people will lose their homes, however, that is their fault for not reading the fine print. A house is the single biggest investment most people make and to not ensure you fully understand what you are agreeing to in signing a mortgage is foolish to the point of abject stupidity. This has nothing, repeat, NOTHING to do with race, or dishonesty as so many are claiming.
What this is, is an example of why you should NEVER buy anything you cannot afford, nor should you ever sign any document without reading and having a full understanding of what every word means.
That some people allegedly left furniture and other possessions behind marks them as stupid, it says nothing about lenders or anyone else.
That some people have to blame everything on racism is pathetic. I'm pretty sure people of every race were stupid enough to take the hit from th e "sub prime crisis", to claim your race was targeted is disgusting.