Princess Leia vs. Darth Kennedy


Lifetime Supporting Member
Well, Carrie Fischer (AKA: Princess Leia ) had an encounter with two of the biggest scumbags in congress, Ted Kennedy and Chris "the mortgage crisis" Dodd.

On a 1985 Washington, D.C., dinner with her date, the then single former Sen. Chris Dodd, and dining companion, the late Sen. Ted Kennedy:
For the record, it was also in 1985 that Ted Kennedy and Chris Dodd made a "Waitress Sandwich" out of some poor, unsuspecting waitress.
"So, having recently graduated completely healed and normal from my first stint in a rehab, and appearing in an almost perfectly respectable piece of work, I found myself driving from Baltimore to Washington, D.C., to have dinner with Chris Dodd, this senator who I knew virtually nothing about. Nor did Senator Dodd — like most people, then, now and always — have any idea who I was in the wide, wide world beyond this cute little actress who’d played Princess Leia."
‘Don’t you know I’m Debbie Reynolds’ daughter?!’
"Suddenly, Senator Kennedy, seated directly across from me, looked at me with his alert [sic], aristocratic eyes [sic] and asked me a most surprising question.
‘So,’ he said, clearly amused, ‘do you think you’ll be having sex with Chris at the end of your date?’ … To my left, Chris Dodd looked at me with an unusual grin hanging on his very flushed face."
Her reply: "’Funnily enough, I won’t be having sex with Chris tonight,’ I said, my face composed and calm. ‘No, that probably won’t happen.’ People blinked. ‘Thanks for asking, though.’"
His retort: "’Would you have sex with Chris in a hot tub?’ Senator Kennedy asked me, perhaps as (A representative for Dodd did not immediately respond to’s request for comment.)…
What a shock.
Still, why were there no charges of sexual harassment?
I'm from Massachusetts, Kennedy country. He left a young woman to drown in his car while he saved himself. But it was okay, he called someone the next day.
As for Carrie, I had the good fortune to run a security detail for her, over the course of a long weekend back in the nineties. She's very smart, educated and articulate, but suffered substance abuse problems. In person, she's really hard not to like, she doesn't talk at you, she talks to and with you, and will honestly answer anything you ask her. And she listens, doesn't miss a trick. And she has brass balls.

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