Plane Crashes into IRS/CIA building in Austin, TX

Here's another thing. We don't really know what happened yet. The website with the "manifesto" was taken down. It was independently confirmed to be his, but that's about it. We may have to wait a few weeks to piece together more evidence in order to "know" anything about what happens. Anything more then that is just an assumption really...
The "manifesto" is such a mix of left and right wing extremism that it really is hard to make any sense of it. Nutty is the first thing that comes to mine for this guy, but then, that is the point isn't it...

Agreed. I don't know if the leftness or rightness is particularly relevant. He invests a good deal of time assuring the reader how super-smart he was, yet there's some big surprise that not filing caused him problems. Filing a return is the bare minimum.

He professes a talent for solving problems, yet resolves that violence is the only answer and flies a plane into a building. He has a talent for making excuses.

In much that same way that VT shooter Seung-hui Cho's video rant was more of a press kit for him -- showing himself as he wanted to be seen, not as he really is -- Stack's rant paints him as a crusader for the little guy, victimized by conspiracy. By his actions he's gonna teach people a lesson for not thinking the way he does.

I read his post and what I see is Whine, whine, whine. I didn't get my way. Life's not fair. I'm entitled to better. Somebody else made me do it. One day you'll see I was right.

Did he get Rogered by his own government? Maybe. He's a coward and criminal.He's not leading a revolt.
I think that this guy finally realized he is not as smart as he thought he was. Then he had to come up with justification, any justification, for what he did and what happened to him. Instead of sitting down and saying to himself, "I'm and idiot", and accepting responsibility for his own actions, he deflected his stupidity onto a nameless, faceless government institution. In the process he harmed, in one way or another, everyone he came into contact with along the way. Insane not so much, stupid yes.
Will the government take what happened and use it to their advantage absolutely.
I actually drive by this building as part of my work commute. Sad. Two people died I believe, and 2 people were hospitalized. One man had second degree burns over 25% of his body.

I don't care what they want to call his actions, whether it's terrorism or not. I do know the attacker did deliberate harm to people who didn't know him from Adam, and it's a shame he won't face justice in this life for his actions.

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