Pilot to TSA: 'No Groping Me and No Naked Photos'

Check Youtube sometime for hidden camera stuff on baggage. I'd trust UPS more.
Check Youtube sometime for hidden camera stuff on baggage. I'd trust UPS more.

Well, with the bag fees that some airlines are charging, it could very well be cheaper to use UPS or FedEx 2-day or 3-day to ship your belongings to a hotel to arrive the day before or the day of your arrival, and then ship back home.

I did this when I was traveling to NYC on a regular basis, usually because my carry on bag was filled with telecom hardware...and getting from LGA in Queens to the job site in Manhattan juggling a suitcase full of hardware and a suitcase full of clothes, while in a skirt suit and heels was...not something I could do in a dignified manner. :lol:

Just want to make sure the hotel knows about it ahead of time ;)
Well, with the bag fees that some airlines are charging, it could very well be cheaper to use UPS or FedEx 2-day or 3-day to ship your belongings to a hotel to arrive the day before or the day of your arrival, and then ship back home.

I did this when I was traveling to NYC on a regular basis, usually because my carry on bag was filled with telecom hardware...and getting from LGA in Queens to the job site in Manhattan juggling a suitcase full of hardware and a suitcase full of clothes, while in a skirt suit and heels was...not something I could do in a dignified manner. :lol:

Just want to make sure the hotel knows about it ahead of time ;)

You just know its going to be one hell of a weekend when the woman sends all her electronic toys to the hotel in advance Â…. :angel:
I think plane staff, and all those who potentially have access to the plane, should be under strict security guidelines, which means, if there's any reason NOT to trust them, you don't give them access period. Checking them for a nail file when they could use the fire axe on the co-pilot then fly into the ground doesn't help. Then again, how much checking do the baggage goons get? We already know the TSA hiring guidelines are a joke......
You really don't want to know about the baggage handlers... Really you don't.

There are plenty of bangers working there, for example.
You just know its going to be one hell of a weekend when the woman sends all her electronic toys to the hotel in advance …. :angel:

No darlin, my clothes and personal effects like cosmetics were shipped in advance. The electronics stayed with me on carry-on. I didn't trust 'em to anyone else ;)
You really don't want to know about the baggage handlers... Really you don't.

There are plenty of bangers working there, for example.


This week marked 18 years since the body of Susan Taraskiewicz, 27, a baggage handling supervisor for Northwest Airlines, was found in the trunk of her car 36 hours after she went out to get sandwiches for coworkers. One of the first female supervisors in the division, Susan was beaten, stabbed and strangled.
Not so. I lived in Japan from 1984-1987, and my whole family (including 11 year old me) had to get fingerprinted too. We also had to carry a particular ID at all times (though as a child I was exempt from that.) Once my Dad and I were out to dinner and a cop randomly stopped us on the street asking him to produce that ID card. When he realized he'd spaced it and left it at home, we got dragged down to the local precinct and they called my mom to confirm that we were indeed not fugitives or gaijin wetbacks. (My own sarcasm here, not a slam on Mexicans. :uhyeah: ) I called it harassment then, and I still do some 30 years later.

Even at 11 I thought it was asinine and intrusive. As I recall, they also made third-generation descendants of Korean immigrants get prints and that stupid ID too. I don't know whether they still do that, but it was a big controversy then.

You`re right Flea, if you`re going to stay here longer than 90 days you have to carry your Alien Registration Card at all times, and until a few years ago that had your fingerprints. But if you were a short-term tourist you just carried your passport and you didn`t have to be fingerprinted until 2 years ago. Now, if you`re not Japanese you are electronically fingerprinted on arrival as you go through customs.

And yes, many Koreans whose families were forced to come here in the 1920`s as forced laborers stayed after the war. Neither they or thier decendants are elligable for citizenship. If they marry a Japanese thier children 1/2 Japanese kids are citizens. But if you are Korean on both sides you`re out of luck. I had a friend years ago whose family had been here for 4 generations, and she still had to carry an Alien Registeration Card despite having been born and raised in Japan. It`s kind of like saying that any black whose anscestors were brought to America against thier will aren`t citizens.So despite having lived in the US for generations they`d still have to go down and register with immigration every few years.
Hmmm...IMO, this guy is an *******! Why? Because everyone on the plane should be subject to the same security process. How do I know that the pilot, stewardess, etc., are not some nutjobs, who want to blow up the plane.

Yes, I know, I know....we could say the guys 'rights' are being violated, etc, etc., but it irks the hell out of me, when you see guys like this, who feel it necessary to 'prove a point', instead of just going thru the routine, and dealing with it later.

I can`t agree. If the pilot wants to blow up the plane, what does he need to bring? All he`s got to do is lock the door to the cockpit (oh wait that part`s already done) and fly it into the ground. If there`s any doubt as to the pilot`s reliability, he shouldn`t be flying planes. Period. If he was a bus driver or a train conductor and refused to be searched each day before his shift would you feel the same way? There have been alot of school shootings. should the teachers and principal be searched each morning before class? If so, isn`t a metal detector enough?

I don`t think he did anything to "prove a point". He just decided that he didn`t want to put up with something. Just because something is routine doesn`t make it right. Besides, just because they have these image scanners doesn`t mean they`re effective. They`ve had x-rays looking into our bags for years and they can look right at a bomb w/o recognizing it. they only things they really pick out are knives and guns which could be found easier w/ metal detectors. Dogs can smell explosives easier than humans can see them, and they cheaper than image scanners and mobile.
It's turning me into someone looking at the possibility of moving to a free nation. Sadly I don't yet meet the citizenship requirements for New Zealand.
It's turning me into someone looking at the possibility of moving to a free nation. Sadly I don't yet meet the citizenship requirements for New Zealand.

You could always move to a free state ;)
NH still has to deal with Uncle Comerade Sam, and it's cold in Canada.

I need to win the lotto and buy a small tropical island, and defend it with my private army of robot ninja assassins. :D
I need to win the lotto and buy a small tropical island, and defend it with my private army of robot ninja assassins. :D

No robots, but I do have some Fleshy Minions I can sell you at a very reasonable price...