Photography Challenge #2

Alright everyone. We are slowly warming up and are ready for photography challenge #2. This one is going to be extended for 2 weeks to give people enough time to post a picture.

The rules are simple.
1. Take a photo between now (12/3) and (12/16) on the topic provided below.
2. Post it here with some basic info (shutter, ISO, aperture, etc...)

- Voting will begin on 12/17.
- I will created a separate thread for voting.
- Do not vote in this thread.

Other rules
- The photo has to be taken during the time frame posted above.
- You can take a picture with whatever you got (mobile phone, DLSR, pinhole camera, polaroid, etc...)
- You DO NOT have to be a professional to participate. This is just for fun.

TOPIC: Photograph something that describes your personality or who you are as a person. It could be a significant object, a place, a person, etc... Open to interpretation.
Given that I am a telecom engineer that also likes video games (yes, I had an Atari console back in the day), this shot taken from a shared data center seemed oddly fitting.

Network Still Life...with Atari joystick by Sikaranista, on Flickr

Photographed today in NYC with the iPad, ISO 400, f2.4, 1/15 sec.

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