
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
How in the world do you take care of such a pet?:confused:

She's kind of like a cat. She is litter trained and her scent glands were removed. I think she is a little more mischevious than a cat. They eat anything and everything, but they get fat really easy so we have her on a strict diet and that just motivates here to trash the apartment looking for food. Given the choice again I think it would be more trouble than I could put up with, but now I don't have the heart to give her back to the fur farm.
I had a neighbor. MaryJo, who had a spotted polecat. It looks just like a skunk with a black/white checkerboard back instead of a stripe.

Current pets are:

Hershey - black labrador (3rd generation)
Cinnamon - red siberian husky with blue eyes
Lightning - gerbil with lightning blaze on face
Midget - dwarf gerbil
Leo - leopard gecko
Swifty - leopard gecko

Previous pets:

Tiny - gray appaloosa horse
Amber - tan/white basenji (doesn't bark, but yodels and has a gait like a deer)
Stucki - dark grey cat with blue eyes
Sam - yellow labrador
Killer - wild black mink (savage critter)
Max - ferret (husband accidentally ran the car over him)
Sam - ferret
Lucky - ferret
Hershey - black labrador (2 generations)
Several gerbils (21), assorted fish, 2 crabs, five millipedes, and 1 snake

- Ceicei
My pup is named Neo.He is not really a pup 3.5 year's old, But he still act's like one.Rescued him from the pound at 7 week's old. He has been the best pet i have ever been around. Oh he is a lab terrier mix. MITHIOS
Originally posted by OULobo
She's kind of like a cat. She is litter trained and her scent glands were removed. I think she is a little more mischevious than a cat. They eat anything and everything, but they get fat really easy so we have her on a strict diet and that just motivates here to trash the apartment looking for food. Given the choice again I think it would be more trouble than I could put up with, but now I don't have the heart to give her back to the fur farm.

Does it bite and stuff like that? How about angry or easy going? Does it like growl at people? I'm so confused about your pet I would just like to know a little about how it treats people or strangers?:confused:
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
Does it bite and stuff like that? How about angry or easy going? Does it like growl at people? I'm so confused about your pet I would just like to know a little about how it treats people or strangers?:confused:

She used to nip a lot and I have a couple of canine tooth scars from when she sunk in because I grabbed her by the scruff of the neck, but she has calmed and now she just nips to play. She pretty young so she does a lot of posturing and stomping to intimidate, but its all for show. She good with strangers. In the apartment she just sniffs strangers, when we are outdoors she usually stays in our arms where she's pretty secure so she lets people pet her and doesn't seem to notice or care. As for negatives I can tell you is that she is very destructive (loves to tear up carpet and the undersides of funiture), very good at getting into things she's not supposed to (like beds and cupboards), very persistant and very food motivated. The positives are the uniqueness, the fact that she is litter trained, the flexible diet and . . .ugh. . .the challenge.
This is Paulie, my 2.5 year old female

These are Madalyne and Peeper, born April 23rd.

Just Madalyne.

I also have a 4th cat whom I don't have pictures of. She is utterly insane so she resides outside of my residence. She is an orange tabby, her name is 'Tak' and she is a year old.

Some day I fully intend on being the rotten old lady who lives on the corner with 99 cats in her yard and all the youngsters of the neighborhood are afraid to walk by her house.

As far as previous pets go... I have had them all. Dogs, rabbits, lizards, snakes, spiders, fish, birds and a pig. I miss the snakes most of all.
4 dogs and 1 cat

Husky/Border Collie mix
2 Shepherd's mix
1 cat

Originally posted by jfarnsworth
Man renegade that dog in your right arm has a huge head. How much does that dog weigh and is it a male?

They are both males. Thor is on my right @ 150 lbs, and Loki is on me left @ 100 lbs.
Two dogs (one a collie/husky/terrier mix, another a shepard/husky), and one guinea pig.

Previously, we always had a dog when I was growing up (there are two that I can remember -- an english sheepdog and a german shorthaired pointer), we had a cat for quite a while, two rabbits, countless fishes, and I shared a room with my roommate's iguana in college (actually, I guess the iguana shared the room with me!)
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
Sheesh! I bet no one uninvited gets in your place.

Even those invited have a hard time getting in :D :rofl:
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
Sheesh! I bet no one uninvited gets in your place.

These dogs are bbbiiiggg. Do you keep them indoors or outside?

- Ceicei

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