People Dissing Ninjutsu

For a quick answer go to church. No matter which one all the others are a cult or are wrong. It pays better to have the most people. It is a simple answer in what works for you is the right one for you.

I agree 100%!
Several months back someone that I know approached me and asked me very seriously about training in ninjutsu. He was looking for something particular in a school, I tried searching for it and Google returned pages and pages of dreck that had nothing to do with serious training.

Perhaps one of the reasons is that so much of the "ninja" name is attached to activities that are really just a cartoon of the arts.

You may wish to try doing a search of "budo arts" under google and you will probably find what your friend is looking for. Ninjutsu just like the Samurai were outlawed in Japan. However, practicioners started teaching both in secret and under other names. This is how some of the worldwide organizations we know were born and why other practicioners chose to stay in the dark.

For a quick answer go to church. No matter which one all the others are a cult or are wrong. It pays better to have the most people. It is a simple answer in what works for you is the right one for you.

Man, I could not have said it any better!
hmmmm I agree with all the points about how we are all martial artists and how we are all essentually doing the same thing but with different brush strokes.

but the word legit is around for a reason, its not there to put down another art as you were implying but rather to show fraudulance.

lets say you have two diamonds, one real and ones made of glass. they both ultimatly serve the the same purpose of looking beatiful, but one is legitamate and the other one is not, its a matter of getting what you paid for.

its fine to say that someone whos learning another art that the instructor happened to label "ninjutsu" is still learning self defence, but they ARE NOT recieving what they though they were paying for which was ninjutsu.

the word legit can also be used to point our just plain scam artists who couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag.