pekiti tersia video

Marvin said:
Hey Marvin :) thanks for posting this what a superb and furiously fast and beautifully dangerous art I love this truly. And Mind, Body and KA Moves was a fantastic show by the BBC over here in the UK and if you can catch any of the episodes wherever you are or off the net I would recommend anydays as Chris Crudelli loves to roll his sleeves up and get in there! A great guy to watch. Wow great show thank you for reminding me and for posting this :)

Yr most obdt hmble srvt,
This clip is too rich to even to begin to summarize!

- You see GT Leo Gaje in action.
- You see Pekiti training in the PI.
- You see cultural aspects of FMA in the PI.

Check the clip out whenever you get the chance and add your comments.

Marvin, This was an excellent post. Thanks!
Good stuff!

Craig Dishmon
Kenpo-Parker/Planas Lineage
Pekiti-Tirsia- McGrath/Whitson Lineage
Remy Presas Arnis / H.H.P.A.C

"A true Martial Artist is not one who fears change,but causes it to happen!"
-- Ed Parker
"Never leave an enemy standing."
-- Shaka Zulu
I wish I could donate the old tape Of Tirsa Grand master gave to me.I was under the late Bujin Lateef Mateen.The tape is Tactical Baton for Police Departments.It was to go nationaly but , after Bujin passed I asked to keep it vaulted & not seen.It was agreed.Any ways the tape gets into How to diarm attackers & with an olisi or baton -it was used to restrian the attacker like hand cuffs.The arms behind the attacker & face up with the stick wove between the arms.Stepping on the stick increased locking power.Awesome tirsa.
I will need to watch that clip more than a few more time to begin to see all that was demonstrated.
A great clip
thank you
This show is REALLY good. The clip you showed us was really interesting.

I would love to have the full set of dvds in this program. Too bad they are only sold in the uk.
For full length episodes theres a link to google video here only three episodes though.