Peaceful Solution to Terrorism?

Yeah, give in to their demands and become a push over to everybody who uses force against you to reach their political goals. Like the b!$#h in prison. You may live out your sentence but you will spend a lot of it on your knees.
Well, we can pull out of Arabia (Iran, Iraq, Isreal, Saudi, etc) and leave their affairs well enough alone. But they will still bring the terror here to us.
The best way to kill the snake is to cut off it's head. It's what we're trying to do...though I feel the wrong way to go about doing it.
Some infections have to be cut out. Evil by any means or name should not be tolerated.
Can you name one peaceful option our government has tried in the name of halting terrorism in the last 10 years? 20 years? All I can think of is the Isreali/Palestinian crisis. Any others?

I feel like our country is hell bent on war and will not examine any other solutions. I feel like the two wars that we are fighting will probably only increase the level of terrorism we see and if you listened to Colin Powell on the Meet the Press on Sunday, this certainly seems to be the case.
Could there have been a peaceful solution to Hitler? Lord Chamberlain seemed to have thought so.
I'm not sure that there is a really good correllation between WWII and the War on Terror. With that being said, there wasn't very much choice by the time Pearl Harbor hit. Perhaps if we would have stopped American Financiers from bankrolling the Nazis...well that point is moot, but I think that it is important that Americans start making the separation. 911 was not a Pearl Harbor. It was something new.

Anyhow, I wonder if we have too much of a hardline approach? Our actions are currently inciting more terrorism across the globe. Is there a better way to deal with this issue?
Not comparing the conflicts, just the mentality.

I think the "way" should be a combination of militay (overt and covert), economic, political and diplomatic approaches. The terrorists themselves have a taste of power now and I dont think they can be "switched off". The religious and national/economic support that the terrorists live on can probably be handled through diplomatic rather than military means.
MACaver said:
The best way to kill the snake is to cut off it's head.
Please refer to Greek Mythology ... 'Hydra'.

It is not possible to win a war on terrorism. Terrorism is a tactic used by persons engaged in some larger battle. A good analogy would be fighting a war on Kama-Kazi pilots. It is very difficult to fight against someone that is willing to kill themselves for a cause.

To stop people from employing the tactic of terrorism, one solution is to work for econcomic stability and security. Although many suicide bombers are affluent in their native lands, around them is often extensive poverty. (not so much poverty that they need to worry about food ... but housing may be an issue).

Another good example would be to demonstrate 'tolerance' on the religious aspects of society. (Facts show that most terrorism is not driven by religion ... but our current fight is with a religious faction). In our own society, we can not seem to practice tolerance; Operation Rescue today petitioned the council of Catholic Bishops to deny the sacrament of Communion to Senator Kerry because of his 'Pro-Choice' position. How lunatic is that? Senator Kerry can not commit the 'sin' of 'murder' by having an abortion (I don't agree with those positions) but some fundamentalist Catholics want to deny him communion with his God based on his belief that a citizen, if she chooses, should have the legal right to terminate a pregnency.

. . . We don't need to even delve into President Bush's belief that he is president because it is 'God's Plan'; Generals in our military stating that 'Our God is bigger than Their God'; Marble statues in Civil Courthouses.

. . . but never a mention of Yaweh, Allah, Buddha, Shiva, Kali, et al

Where is there "intolerance" for other religions in our country? Granted they dont get the Press(hmmm...the press), but everybody is free to practice or not as they see fit here.
The 'Intolerance' is pressure applied to deny someone the right to practice their religion as they see fit.

e.g. deny Kerry, Schwartzenneger, Pataki the right to receive communion because of their Pro Choice political positions.

That is the DEFINITION of intolerance.

michaeledward said:
That is the DEFINITION of intolerance.
That's certainly intolerance on the part of the religious church, but the right to religious freedom still exists. Churches and religious groups can be as intolerant and bastardly (is that a word?) as they wish. But so long as the citizen's rights to religious practice exist (i.e. Kerry's right to tell the church to go screw itself, if he should so desire), then there really isn't religious intolerance. Just churches being pricks.
Tgace said:
Where is there "intolerance" for other religions in our country? Granted they dont get the Press(hmmm...the press), but everybody is free to practice or not as they see fit here.
Yeah? Well try telling that to the Mormons that suffered in Illinois and Missouri and Ohio before they were forced to move out West. Try telling that to the Native Americans who were living their religious beliefs and the white man decided that they were too heathen to co-exisit.
Granted there isn't much of that being heard of broadly now-a-days but it still happens. More of an individual basis rather than wide spread perscicution.
If terrorism proves anything, it is that for some people pointless violence is easier that the slow, difficult, exasperating process of solving problems by perceful means.

Hell, some of those guys wouldn't even take the time to try to work things out with the UN, or listen to what arms inspectors and their own investigators were telling them, before they launched an unnecessary war.

And what never fails to amaze me, many of the people so eager to kill 'em all are Christians.

Incidentally, the majority of Americans seem to think that the words, "christianity," and "religion," are synonyms. If that isn't intolerance...
I have a feeling that the War on Terror will never end. And it a way it may turn out to be very Orwellian as the state attempts to control the populace. I wonder how afraid people are of terrorism in this country? Does it affect anyones behavior on a daily basis?
I'm more concerned for people in say, NYC or LA than where I am, only because of the likelyhood seems greater to happen in the populated areas.
Sure there is a peaceful solution. Joke off the purse strings, break the drug cartel/terrorist business association link with strict and harsh judicial practices (including capitol punishment) and use strong arm business diplomacy with nations/business/people who are known terrorist supports (either financial or geographical harboring)....

Terrorism as a tactic is like being a gang member breaking into a rich guys house and raping his wife until he is willing to do what the gang member wants... or she is dead. How do you 'peacefully' negotiate with that kind of envy, hatred and blind prejudice/bigotry?

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