Paul Harvey.... good news?


Senior Master
I read today of the passing of Paul Harvey at age 90. There already is a thread in the Hall of Remembrance, but that is not the place for a debate. I wanted to start another thread here to see what people thought of the man, to include critics.

Being on the road for years, I tuned in on the car radio whenever I could. There did not seem to be anyone else quite like him.

Paul Harvey loved America. You could see that in what he reported and how he delivered it. The guy really respected what went on with common folks in ordinary places. Maybe its just me, but today's media seems to despise America while having a soft spot for the cannibal nations everywhere. But if Paul Harvey was such a titan, why did he leave so few like him behind?

Harvey always wound his ads very tight in with his reporting. I could tell the difference, but I'm left wondering if he didn't pave the way for that noxious and destructive mixing of facts/opinions/ads that misleads us everyday from the modern media?

I respect that this conservative icon was actually married to a woman who maintained her own professional life and had her own accomplishments. Their marriage was a lifetime partnership, and he died not long after her. Compare that to the Hollyweird 'relationships' of today which don't last a sports season.

Paul Harvey always found some cheerful things to report. I find myself wishing he were here in these hard days, and I find myself yearning for a time when the 'rest of the story' wasn't invariably something corrupt, greedy and disgusting.

What do you think?
Traveling a lot and listening to radio much, as well, I always enjoyed hearing "the rest of the story".

I hope his son carries on in the fine broadcasting example Paul, Sr. set.
De mortui nulli nisi bonum

So I will just say he was a skilled entertainer who delivered a reliable product and told his audience what they wanted to hear. He would have been sickened at my mixed-race marriage although he did moderate those beliefs in his declining years.
He was a good man.

So ask not how he died.... ask instead how he lived.

And Paul Harvey lived large and that is "the rest of the story".


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