Patterns with high kicks that students can't do

Since you us e the past tense "Had" does that mean this organization changed it? Or am I over thinking things.
the organization changed and I am no longer part of it.
it evolved from a group of independent owners to a Franchise over the course of a couple of years 15 years or so ago and changed a lot around.
Namely forms. As somebody at the time noted: Copy rights.
If you use the old stuff you can't charge through the nose.
And a lot of the more challenging things got removed.
It is truly sad to see/hear what has happened to the ITF.
Earl Weiss:
This is a peculiar link I found while trying to get an idea of how many ITF schools there are in the USA. It is from the OTFA which I am not at all familiar with. Does this seem accurate?
Schools – OTFA
It is truly sad to see/hear what has happened to the ITF.
Earl Weiss:
This is a peculiar link I found while trying to get an idea of how many ITF schools there are in the USA. It is from the OTFA which I am not at all familiar with. Does this seem accurate?
Schools – OTFA

Not a single ITF school as I predicted.
Joe Rogans WTF instructor used to be ITF, so by the 80s the ITF was close to exterminated in the US

If this clip below is an emphasis in USTF schools, then I would say it does not adhere to the ITF curriculum.

None of these jumping variations are used in ITF sparring or basics training.

Jumping lead leg hook kick, Jumping pick shape kick, none of this is drilled in ITF.

You could say whatever you want and still be wrong. I never said it strictly limited itself to only what is found in the text. It certainly includes what the text stipulates and adds to it as do most schools who practice the system. You are correct that the text (for whatever reason) only includes the "Reverse Hook Kick" as the attacking kick. So there is no lead leg or (jumping lead leg) example in the text. Yet as this lead leg kick was made famously effective by Bill Superfoot many ITF people practice it and it is it is certainly allowed in ITF sparring. . "Jumping" per volume IV is used to cover distance and there is no prohibition on using it in concert with any kick, so that fact that the Jumping Pick shape kick variation does not appear in the text is basically meaningless. Vol IV also states "The student whom has taken the time to Master a flying kick is able to spring into the air with any number of kicks......" Note the lack of any limitation to only the examples shown in the text. Further "Pick Shape Kick" is explained as a "Variation of a downward Kick, (Vol IV) and Flying downward kick is listed. If anyone is following this the above video is one entry of a couple of dozen used to provide examples of various techniques.
Joe Rogans WTF instructor used to be ITF, so by the 80s the ITF was close to exterminated in the US
I know there is a clip of Joe Rogan talking about the power of his side kick and how his instructor had some relationship with General Choi and attributes the power training to those days however it was not clear if that was KTA or ITF days. Do you have link with more specific information?
It is truly sad to see/hear what has happened to the ITF.
Earl Weiss:
This is a peculiar link I found while trying to get an idea of how many ITF schools there are in the USA. It is from the OTFA which I am not at all familiar with. Does this seem accurate?
Schools – OTFA

In each country the ITF (Weiler group) operates thru one or more national governing bodies. They preferred to have only one and wanted to do that again after General Choi died and they were working on the new constitution. My input was that in the past due to personality conflicts, loyalties or whatever, huge groups split off from the National Body and therefore left the ITF and there should be a mechanism to retain sufficiently large groups so the ITF didn't lose those members. This format in a fashion was adopted and the USA had several such groups of which the OTFA is one. ITF USA was another. I think they have now combined under a single Umbrella in the USA but may maintain some sort of separate organizational structure for certain purposes. USA – Member Countries – International Taekwon-Do Federation
In each country the ITF (Weiler group) operates thru one or more national governing bodies. They preferred to have only one and wanted to do that again after General Choi died and they were working on the new constitution. My input was that in the past due to personality conflicts, loyalties or whatever, huge groups split off from the National Body and therefore left the ITF and there should be a mechanism to retain sufficiently large groups so the ITF didn't lose those members. This format in a fashion was adopted and the USA had several such groups of which the OTFA is one. ITF USA was another. I think they have now combined under a single Umbrella in the USA but may maintain some sort of separate organizational structure for certain purposes. USA – Member Countries – International Taekwon-Do Federation
The link does not seem to work.
[QUOTE="Acronym, post: 2014707, member: 42552" so by the 80s the ITF was close to exterminated in the US

For this you are in the running for the "Captain Obvious award" This was true not only in the USA but throughout the world following the exodus of Korean Instructors "motivated" to leave him, particularly after he took the 1980 demonstration team to North Korea. I suggest you read "A Killing Art".
Suffice it to say ITF certified about 10,000 people to 1st Dan in the USA , (which is a pittance compared to KKW) before General Choi died and about 300 people to second Dan in the USA before the North Koreans saw their first example of TKD in 1980.
You are correct that the text (for whatever reason) only includes the "Reverse Hook Kick" as the attacking kick. So there is no lead leg or (jumping lead leg) example in the text. Yet as this lead leg kick was made famously effective by Bill Superfoot many ITF people practice it and it is it is certainly allowed in ITF sparring. . .

Bill Wallace does not use a jumping, lead leg hook kick version, no do any ITF competitors
I know there is a clip of Joe Rogan talking about the power of his side kick and how his instructor had some relationship with General Choi and attributes the power training to those days however it was not clear if that was KTA or ITF days. Do you have link with more specific information?

No I don't but since Omalley was one of Joe's main instructors and he's doing ITF forms and wearing an ITF uniform, it's safe to say he left the ITF somewhere around the time Joe joined.
Bill Wallace does not use a jumping, lead leg hook kick version, no do any ITF competitors
I said he used the lead leg hook kick - not the jumping version - yet this has nothing to do with following the "ITF curriculum" if there even is such a thing.
I said he used the lead leg hook kick - not the jumping version - yet this has nothing to do with following the "ITF curriculum" if there even is such a thing.

None of those kicks demonstrated in that clip are part of the ITF curriculum as it relates to training, precisely because they are impractical compared to the grounded versions
[QUOTE="Acronym, post: 2014707, member: 42552" so by the 80s the ITF was close to exterminated in the US
For this you are in the running for the "Captain Obvious award" This was true not only in the USA but throughout the world following the exodus of Korean Instructors "motivated" to leave him, particularly after he took the 1980 demonstration team to North Korea. I suggest you read "A Killing Art".
Suffice it to say ITF certified about 10,000 people to 1st Dan in the USA , (which is a pittance compared to KKW) before General Choi died and about 300 people to second Dan in the USA before the North Koreans saw their first example of TKD in 1980.[/QUOTE]

I have read a Killing art. ITF is very much alive in many parts of Europe, especially places like the UK, Poland, Russia, Sweden,
When I typed ITF Washington on Youtube where did I end up...?:)

None of those kicks demonstrated in that clip are part of the ITF curriculum as it relates to training, precisely because they are impractical compared to the grounded versions
Sir, Wrong again Check Volume IV which includes the flying twin foot front snap Kick, Flying twin foot side Piercing Kick, Flying Vertical kick both in clip.