Marginal said:
You're changing the subject now. First you're talking about who's powerful, now you're talking about who's dangerous.
Indeed. Nope. You, like Fox news and a host of rightist pundits have been quick to marginalize Pat saying "Well, he's out of date, he's not that important, he has no influence..." That's not putting him in perspective. That's spin.
Nope. I'm simply pointing out that Robertson has more influence than a random college professor. He just happens to reach way more like minded people, and he's usually leading people in prayer while he's asking God to kill off liberal supreme court justices etc...
Get someone of similar power up there saying something stupid, and I'd agree with you. A crazy professor ain't Jessie Jackson.
I guess we have our answer in the form of race baiters trying to profit off of Hurricane Katrina. Funny how timely things come to light. In the word's of Kanye West, America is setup "to help the poor, the black people, the less well-off as slow as possible."
I'd be willing to bet Kanye West has a bigger audience than Pat Robertson. What's more dangerous to this country, one right wing religious nut calling on the assassination of a 3rd world thug, or Kanye West claiming that "whitey" is racist, and is just trying to rescue black people as slow as possible.
Which has the greatest potential for inciting violence? If one is protected, both are. What say you? Kanye isn't the only idiotic race baiter attempting to create conflict, either. We've got the two usual suspects, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, along with a whole host of others. And what they've all said is FAR worse and more damaging to the country than what Robertson said.
I truly doubt any of Robertson's middle aged audience is going to pickup a gun and assassinate Chavez. I think the odd's are far more likely that cops are going to get shot at in response to the idiotic words of race baiters attempting to start controversy.
Don't think so? Al Sharpton managed to get a jewish shop owner's store burned down and several people shot by calling him an interloper when he fired a guy. One of Sharpton's protestors shot several people and burned the store to the ground, and that was just over some guy getting fired.
Now, we have these guys telling disaster survivors that it's all "whitey" and the governments fault. Is it any wonder cops and rescue workers are getting shot at?
Again, it's enough to make me sick when I think that Americans of all races and colors are risking their own lives rescuing Americans of all races and colors, and these clowns have to use their celebrity to attempt to divide us in time of disaster. I'd love to hear someone actually defend this inanity.