Past tournament results


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Grand Prairie Texas
We did the Jr. Champonship down in Houston Texas this past weekend at Master Giambi event. The school did great, Out of 22 possible medals we came back with 21 12 first 7 seconds and 2 third. Zachary was pulled from sparring by the doctor for his fever, But all in All we did a great job.

Looking forward for a few months off and then back at it for another year. All in all we had a great year, meet some wonderful folks, had some great matches and watche d some of the student mature into some fine people, I would like to also say Thank you all for the support you have shown for my school over this past year.:asian:

Master Stoker
Hey Terry that is great. Tell everyone congratulations from me! Also tell Zachary to get better!
We did the Jr. Champonship down in Houston Texas this past weekend at Master Giambi event. The school did great, Out of 22 possible medals we came back with 21 12 first 7 seconds and 2 third. Zachary was pulled from sparring by the doctor for his fever, But all in All we did a great job.

Looking forward for a few months off and then back at it for another year. All in all we had a great year, meet some wonderful folks, had some great matches and watche d some of the student mature into some fine people, I would like to also say Thank you all for the support you have shown for my school over this past year.:asian:

Master Stoker

Congratulations Terry. Figures your kid would wanna fight while he had a fever. Takes after dad, I'm sure. "What Doc, it's only 102?!":ultracool