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Master of Blades

For those of you who have children........How strict are you? I mean are you protective, over protective or pretty lax. And where do you stand on letting you're children do martial arts. Like is there an age limit you have set for them or would you like to teach them yourself to make sure they get a proper education?

I try to teach discipline and respect to my 9yr. old son. Sometimes I feel it goes in one ear and out the other. I had him in a martial arts class before JJ as a matter of fact. Anytime I tried to do anything with him it was always turning into a joke. We don't have a traditional setting with no other people his age or even close to his age. My friend was teaching him for about a yr & a 1/2. It got to be too much for him to handle speaking japanese as well as remembering the moves that went with it. He was supposed to test for his 4th belt but I took him out before it happened. He was too young "I" thought to learn kenpo due to his attention span. He's not ready as of yet for that. That is my belief. Did this help any?
Yeah, Being a kid myself I'm interested into how parents treat their kids and what their ideas are to their children doing Martial Arts. Just interested really...... :asian:
I have two girls 9 and 12 yrs old I have dragged them with everywhere I needed to go ,dojo, seminars, even to a camp before. To some people that may sound bad but their are far worst enviroments to have your children around.The upside to the whole thing is they learnd how and why to behave very early in life. When you ask them about some of their heros you would be amazes how many kenpo names they bring up.Now that I have my own school they set the example for the others to follow when parents are taking class.
Well, as a parent I guess I can be considered somewhat strict when I need to be. I suppose it's due to my military training. I previously served my uncle Sam in the US military :asian:

However, I'm also fair with my child, and I try to let her make her own responsible choices. She knows that she has to be accountable for her choices. I guess I'd say I'm strict but fair, and I listen and we talk. She'll be entering her teens in 2 months, YIKES! :eek: But, I'm confident that she'll continue to do what's right :)

As far as martial arts training goes, I started off my daughter in her MA training 5 years ago when she was 7 years old. I wanted her to be able to defend herself if it were ever necessary. In this time she has learned so much about perserverance, integrity and the rest of the TKD tenets. She recently testing for her black belt. She will be awarded her first poom black belt next month at our dojang's Christmas party. I'm a very proud Pop...
I have an 11 yr old boy and I have him enrolled in our MA program. The reason is because of what the MA teaches in discpline and self control and respect, but mostly because of perserverance, kids today give up too easy and learn to quit. Quitting is not something that we just do natrually we learn how to do it.
Besides it keeps him in a positive envorinment without desensitising video games and uncontrolled envorinments where othere parents are not home to supervise what thier children are doing in thier homes.

I guess I am a bit strict but My parents were a bit lax on me so I guess knowing what I did I am trying to make sure my child does not make the same mistakes that i did.

Originally posted by c2kenpo

I have an 11 yr old boy and I have him enrolled in our MA program. The reason is because of what the MA teaches in discpline and self control and respect, but mostly because of perserverance, kids today give up too easy and learn to quit. Quitting is not something that we just do natrually we learn how to do it.
Besides it keeps him in a positive envorinment without desensitising video games and uncontrolled envorinments where othere parents are not home to supervise what thier children are doing in thier homes.

I guess I am a bit strict but My parents were a bit lax on me so I guess knowing what I did I am trying to make sure my child does not make the same mistakes that i did.


Excellent job! This is what being a parent is all about :asian:
I don't have any children of my own, but I raise (or co-raise) my stepson, my god-daughter, and my nephew. I introduced them to some basic MA, but I didn't force it on them. I let them decide what they wanted to do (including music, skatboarding, etc.) So far, my god-daughter is satisfied with learning basic self defense and playing sports. My nephew loves skateboarding. He stopped doing the MA a while ago, but we just found out that he's a natural wrestler - One day, they were doing wrestling in PE and he pinned most of the guys on the wrestling team. Go figure. I've given the oppertunity to teach MA to my stepson to his father, who is also a martial artist.

As for being strict... I'm VERY strict. I watch what the kids eat, watch on TV, play (video games), etc. I make sure they do their homework, etc. etc. etc. However, I also answer ALL of their questions. My wife and I deal with all of their problems. I guess that because I'm such a kid at heart, I get along with them very well.
my daughter is 6 mionths old and has probley been to more tournments then most competitors. lol.
She already likes the sound of a wistle lol (from wrestling practice) She is not really old enough for her to learn anything, but I hope weather she wrestles or grapples or does nothing that she gets a little self disapline out of the sport. I mean it takes alot of will and self disapline to lose 10 pounds in two days lol or more. I hope she gets some of that along the way.