

Blue Belt
Oct 19, 2006
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do any of you do pankration? i just fond a place in my area that teaches it and the teacher told me that it is a combo of boxing and wrestling.
what do you all know about this style and what do you think of it?
Pankration was originally an ancient Greek fighting art. One of the three represented in the Olympic Games. Originally, quite a brutal art, but not as brutal as ancient boxing I understand. Alexander the Great had Pankration experts with him during his conquests and many believe that they had some influence on native Indian arts which then had an influence on native Chinese arts.

I am not a practitioner so all I can tell you is that it is an art that includes hand work, kicking and wrestling, maybe the worlds oldest MMA!
I believe it's still a martial art in Greece and they compete in MMA competitions. However unlike the original exponents they do it clothed.
I believe it's still a martial art in Greece and they compete in MMA competitions. However unlike the original exponents they do it clothed.

It was "recreated" so it really doesn't have ties to whatever they did historically. It may be a fine martial art, but it is just a name.
There are some really good videos by Bas Rattan on and he does Pankration.
It was "recreated" so it really doesn't have ties to whatever they did historically. It may be a fine martial art, but it is just a name.

Recreated? the programme I saw them doing it on (it was about the Olympic Games on the BBC and you can't get more truthful than that lol) it was exactly the same! Well of course not exactly as they weren't naked nor killing each other but that's only small differences! (chuckles to herself)

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