Pain behind the shoulder during pushups?


White Belt
Sep 23, 2024
Reaction score
It's strange, my right shoulder is the problem shoulder, but now it's my left that's causing issues during push ups.

That means that both shoulders are screwing me over, but hey. It's pain in the scapula, and the more push ups I do, the more it aggravated that pain. Has anyone experienced this? If so, how did you fix it?

I just desperately want to get fit, but my body's like "NOPE!" So damn demoralizing...

(I have fibromyalgia, but I don't think this is fibro related)

Thanks in advance!
Does it help by adjusting the way you do pushups? like how wide you have you arms etc?

About left/right my only generic insight is that very often when you have a problem, your body compensates by adjusting posture and may get assymmetricla, which often ledas to secondary pain that is simply due to assymmetrical load, which is due to a compensatory action. Maybe you without beein aware of it as having an asymmetrical posture when doing pushups, to spare your right shoulder, so that your left shoulder is now overloade?

My own pushups are actually asymmetrical too, I am aware of it so i try not to overdo them. I usually do 40-50/set, andthe last time i did 100+/day for more than a week and i was feeling slight elbow pain. I noticed that doing 50 is just as east now as it was to do 40 last year, so it does help. But I rarely exhaust myself, as that is when the posture becomes worse and the wrong loads become a problem.
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Does it help by adjusting the way you do pushups? like how wide you have you arms etc?

About left/right my only generic insight is that very often when you have a problem, your body compensates by adjusting posture and may get assymmetricla, which often ledas to secondary pain that is simply due to assymmetrical load, which is due to a compensatory action. Maybe you without beein aware of it as having an asymmetrical posture when doing pushups, to spare your right shoulder, so that your left shoulder is now overloade?

My own pushups are actually asymmetrical too, I am aware of it so i try not to overdo them. I usually do 40-50/set, andthe last time i did 100+/day for more than a week and i was feeling slight elbow pain. I noticed that doing 50 is just as east now as it was to do 40 last year, so it does help. But I rarely exhaust myself, as that is when the posture becomes worse and the wrong loads become a problem.
Hmm, I'm not too sure in truth. I'll try to notice if my form is a bit off and see if that makes any difference. Appreciate the input!
Stretching before and after can also help. If it keeps bothering you, consider seeing a physical therapist.
I've got some shoulder issues, and sometimes they'll get hurt just on their own, but more often it's that one of my shoulders is bunched in when I'm doing them, or horizontally my shoulders aren't even with each other.

That said, stretching and heat in advance helps me a lot. I've gotten into the habit of putting heat for half an hour before I go to a class most days.

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