Padded Self Defense Scenario Training!

Brian R. VanCise

MT Moderator
Staff member
Here is a video doing some padded self defense scenario training that I came across on Youtube.
They are out of New Hampshire.

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Honestly? I'm not impressed.

One, I would never wait passively to be attacked - I realize that this is their training scenario, but if that's the case, then the attacker needs to force the defender to the ground as a start - because there's a significant difference between being attacked on the ground in a position you get into yourself and being attacked on the ground after you've been thrown there.

Two, once the defender begins countering, the attacker is largely passive - just holding on. This is not, IMO, realistic. If someone is really attacking you, and you start kicking and punching, it's not likely the attacker is just going to lay there and hold on.

Three, I found the weapons scenarios, especially the gun, to be unrealistic. The theory is sound, sure - but unless you train like that all the time, it's just not going to work; you're gonna get shot. If I were protecting another person - especially a child - then yes, I'd try it - but I would have to be desparate before I grab a gun pointed at my forehead.

Four, in the multi-attacker scenarios, the still attacked one at a time, which isn't going to happen. Multiple attackers are going to attack simultaneously, and anyone who thinks - and trains - otherwise is in for a nasty surprise.

Five, the kicks were pretty and well-placed... but even with the padding, they didn't appear to be using much power. The only reason for that much padding is so you can safely pound on the attacker, and they weren't doing it.

Six, the two who spoke at the end may, indeed, feel confident - and that is the most dangerous thing of all, IMO. Confidence is all well and good, but given the issues I saw in the video, it is false confidence - yes, they learned some skills, but they should not be nearly as confident as they seem to be - a truly resisting opponent (rather than one who just hangs on when the counter-attacks begin) is going to come as quite a surprise, and those pretty kicks they were doing aren't going to work.

Model mugging and its offshoots are a pet peeve of mine - because they provide a self-confidence not backed up by the repetition found in regular training; like CPR, the training needs to be repeated at regular intervals, and too many people don't do that; they take the class once and figure they're good for life... until it's too late.
While I can see the concept is a good one, this video leaves something. I have to agree that once the defender starts their "excape" techniques, the attacker stops their attack altogether. It culd be that there is just too much padding to be able to move much, but it gave me the impression the attacker was "giving" the results expected.
Hello, From what I understand on there progam...this is one of the closest real self-defense training available, (especially for women).

You only saw one part of the many other things they train for...this was just one of the many things they do. There is the verbal part (lots of bad words and mean it is for real. (most martial arts class do not allow swearing,cusing,acting in the real world.)

They train for the adrenline situtions.....they always fight back..and they learn techniques anyone can use!

If you ever get to sign-up for there training....I promise you will walk away a different person....much more confident.

Here you can use FULL will know what will work or not work.

Most of us do not train for real fighting (street style)...anything goes plus most do not teach fight in a bar or a dark areas, or a park not well lighted.
Try train outside...and be approach by strangers (partners acting as MEAN STRANGERS.adrenline kicks will find yourself behaving differently....WILL YOU SURVIVE? .....Aloha
So, were the "victims" training to defend themselves in case someone catches them sleeping on the sidewalk, or what...?
So, were the "victims" training to defend themselves in case someone catches them sleeping on the sidewalk, or what...?

Possibly sleeping I guess. This sort of scenario is a really helpful thing to train but the padded attacker has to find a happy medium between keeping on attacking and realistically simulating the potential injuries the defenders strikes may cause. This attacker wasn't great at it.

It is easy to say that the person defending is passively waiting to be attacked but I believe they had their eyes closed to simulate surprise, If anyone else has a better way to simulate this other than having the padded man just jump people at random times outside of the class (kinda hard with that amount of padding and a head the size of a fit ball).

I don't have a prob with most of it but the gun defence was s%$t. She just grabbed it and didn't even point it away from herself. That needs work and shouldn't be taught at such an event.

It is difficult to judge the program from watching a few minutes of video.

it appears to be very hands-on, so that is a plus. other than that I can't make any conclusive determinations about the skill of instruction or the viability of the techniques.

I think it's funny that some of you are describing the students increased self-confidence as a negative. It's not like on of these women is going to go out thinking "I'm gonna go find me a rapist and kick his butt!"

If one person who took one of these classes somehow found the strength to fight back because of what she (or he) learned, isn't that good?

Even if they are still victimized, maybe they wold find some solace in the idea that they did at least fight back. Would it really be better if she left that class thinking "I am far too weak and unskilled to defend myself against an agressive attacker" and so did NOT find the inner strength to fight back even a little?
I read the earlier comments but I had to see the video for myself (since I'm at work no audio). Actually I saw something that I really liked. Most of the defenders fought with such ferocity that I don't see very often. They just kept attacking non-stop until they were pulled off or signaled that the drill was complete. I think that that is a great way to train your mind on how to react in these scenarios. Given that you can only be so realistic simulating real life events. But in real life sometimes you only need to discourage an attacker to stop the assault. Most agressors prey on the weak and they may get a surprise and run away if the victim fights back.

I would love to participate in something like this.
Well, I liked the hitting hard part, but come on the person attacking just let the others freely hit. that's not going to happen. I think it will do more harm then good to the students because there getting a fake sence of sercurity. the attacker should be grabbing and fighting and punching of what not. Just did not like it. but hey my 2 cents.

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