Outsource the schools to private industry

I can't rep you for those sentiments, Kacey so, as I say under these circumstances, it's the embarassment of public praise for you :D.
What he said. :highfive:

upnorthkyosa said:
In a generation, critical thought will be gone in this country under this regime. Unless we change how we think about education. Children are not cogs in some societal wheel striving towards some utopia dreamed up in some ivory tower.
Well said. Too bad those in power either don't know or don't care, or more probably both.
With that being said, I think we need to look beyond arguments of whether to privatize or not. REAL education is important to this country and I think that our country should invest in it. The stupifying crap that most of our kids learn nowdays in order to mold generations of sheep has to go.

My solution is dynamite.


All departments of education at the state and federal level need to go. The more we let people from thousands of miles away dictate what goes on in the classroom, the more we kill the spirit of education. The more we kill the real relationship between student and teacher.

Whether you have state run institutions or privatized business, it won't matter unless this is changed.

Good points. Heck look at Albert Einstein. He said the school system was busted even back in his day because it consisted of just rote learning instead of interested hands on learning. And it still has not changed! But of course big brother government will kick and scream to control kids and their parents.

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