Yellow Belt
Hey guys, I've just been browsing some of the sponsors websites here and what outrageous prices some charge for their classes! I pay 9 euro a month for my jujutsu class. This is 2 times 1.5 hours a week. No extra money for tests or anything, you just pay the belt, 7 euro or something ,with that you get a free certificate of your rank too. Annually I pay about 11 euro insurance and a once in your lifetime contibution of 5 euro to the federation to get your budo pass. And for this money our sensei throws in free cookies after class!!! When we go train in another club or do a seminar, sensei always buys all of us at least a drink or two and all entry fees are paid from the 9 euro we pay every month. And the best thing when you allready paid you 9 euro but you cant make it to class for some reason he'll charge you less next month. This was much the same in my TaeKwonDo class although that was a bit more expensive but not much. How come that some people have the nerve to ask up to 150 dollar for a month and ask additional test fees ? You wouldn't have one student in Belgium if you acted like that here I think.