Our one flaw


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Grand Prairie Texas
Every person has a flaw that they wish they could get rid of, what is yours?

Mine is simple anger, even ove r the years of training I have never fully understood how to control my anger, I have seen people and havetaken certain meds. but to no evail has anything ever stuck with me. So even today my anger sometimes gets the better of me.
I still favor my right side on certain grappling techniques even though I train to be as equal on both sides as much as possible. Happily though, I've largely managed to extinguish this handicap with regard to the base techniques like kicks or strikes.

One day...
Just one flaw? Geez...so many to choose from...

Cardio is still an issue (though improved over that past couple of years of training...I'm fighting a losing battle against time though).

I think I still get too much tunnel vision when I fight and I sometimes miss critical things.

Anger can be an issue for me...although living with way too much stress and not taking time off for me more is really the culrpit (anger being more a symptom of needing to back off and chill).

Not knowing when to quit (or kniowing when to quit but refusing to do so).

Hating lawn care....doesn't bother me, but pisses off my neighbors at times (I'd rather be doing poomse on the lawn than mowing it).

that's just a short list...I could go on for pages I bet. :)
Cheese-n-Rice but I wish it was only one.

Mine's the mega-flaw: blindspots to my flaws.

When I screw-up big it's always related to one of my flaws, one I've seen before and probably should have seen coming. I try to keep both eyes open and think before I act, but sometimes I let my self get hypnotized in the moment...and do the life equivalent of blocking kicks with my face.

I've said for years that my goal is to never make the same mistake twice. I've still got a long ways to go.
I am flawless!

(ok, I stretch the truth some times a little...) ;)
Hmmmm....I would say mine is being to nice. Sometimes I feel bad and don't want too hurt anyone. Even in combat. I know that when I use to compete I hated talking to the person I was to be match up against, because I knew we would be nice to each other and that I then saw him as a nice guy. It would cause me to not want to hit him. It only took me getting hit a few times to snap out of that mind frame but it happened every time I competed.

Why do competitors seek out the people they think they might fight? I hate that.
Nerves, particularly when grading. I can only ever perform to about 70% of my ability when grading due to nerves. I train hard for months leading into grading, I do my forms literally thousands of times, run 50 klm a week, go to advanced classes in the months leading up to a grading and spend hours stretching to gain maximum flexibility. In the weeks leading up to a grading my technique is as good as I can get it, my kicks are high and effortless, my instructor is always very pleased with where Im at and Im full of confidence, and then I get to grading and nerves eat me alive. Im literally shaking while I do my form, sparring is merely self preservation and the whole day is about just getting through it, there is no enjoyment whatsoever. I always do enough to pass but Im always disappointed that I cant demonstrate my grading requirements to the best of my ability, which always seems to take the gloss of the fact I passed.
At this time I am lacking energy and discipline.
I am working on it, but it's a long way, I have been out of the loop for too long.
Not being flexible enough. My high kicks are still at waist level even after several years of stretching a couple of times a week. I am not feeling like a "has been" but more like a "never was". If it is any consolation I can now kick about 3 inches higher than I could before I started TKD about 3 years ago.

This is a blessing and a curse. Because I can quickly complete or learn assigned tasks, but also when things dont go as planned or get delayed, frustration sets in.

Impatience had let to ALOT of ANGER. weather its on the freeway, or at work. If things aren't going fast enough for me I get anxious and it usually leads to frustation then anger.

I always feel like its a race to do something. Funny how I can procrastinate some things but get outraged by not doing others.

Yeah.... for me its Impatience. No matter how many times I try to calm myself down, no matter how long I have trained, being patient is difficult. And it also leads to a lack of tolerance.
Not being flexible enough. My high kicks are still at waist level even after several years of stretching a couple of times a week. I am not feeling like a "has been" but more like a "never was". If it is any consolation I can now kick about 3 inches higher than I could before I started TKD about 3 years ago.
You should not be flexible with the way you stretch. What you are doing is teaching your body to become less flexible. I bet if you do 2 months of stetching twice a day you will see amazing gains. Your body wont respond to off and on stretching, it will actully make your flexibility worse. Stretch eveyday not a couple times a week.
I would say my biggest MA related flaw is lack of flexibility in my legs.
No matter how much I train / stretch, I can't get my legs apart much more than say 100 - 110 degrees max. The rest of my body is very flexible, and many of my joints are hyper flexible (for example I can bend my fingers back until they point at my elbow) but my thigh muscles refuse to cooperate in a similar fashion.

Taekwando is definitely not the art for me :)
I tend to overthink and overanalyze things. Now as an engineer this is also a strength, and thankfully I am able to put it away during sparring. It does however lead to some problems with the flow when practicing kata and combinations, not to mention I can be quite awkward in some social settings.

I hate doing the laundry but we can`t have smelly gis now can we?
Only one flaw? :)

Mine would be lack of patience both with myself and others (am an equal opportunity impatient SOB).
Mine is patience with myself & my students as well. I NEED TO HEAL UP NOW SO I CAN BE PERFECT!!!!!:ultracool
Too many to mention, but one of my most visible flaws is a bad side kick, especially with my left leg, with which I do good round house kicks. I've trained, sought help, trained again, for years, to no avail. The side kick still sucks, which means my Koryo form has a major weakness.
Wanting to be right? It stops me too often in listen to the other persons pov and realizing that right doesn't always mean right.
Definitely my flexibility! Having arthritis really inhibits the height of my kicks, especially my roundhouse kicks!
Ive never been able to get past a "V" shape when doing a straddle split without excruciating pain in my left hip :(
And because of the arthritis in my hips I do have a problem sometimes with stability too :(
Every person has a flaw that they wish they could get rid of, what is yours?

Mine is simple anger, even ove r the years of training I have never fully understood how to control my anger, I have seen people and havetaken certain meds. but to no evail has anything ever stuck with me. So even today my anger sometimes gets the better of me.

Flaw??? I must say flaws. One of my flaws was to gaing weight afther so many years od do nothing (exercise), righjt now I am trying to change this but it's very difficult to me. So my flaw is to be over weight and can't do so much for it. Other of my flaws is dedication, maybe if I were dedicated to the exercise and to eat small portions and right maybe I could loose weight. Other of my falts is I am a messy man, and I can go on and on.

Right now I am doing two files, one is to record what I am eating day by day (to take control of my food intake) and the other is for recording the days I work out in dojang/dojo maybe with this I can do something.

I really wish to get rid of this weight and be a better taekwondoing physically, you know do high kicks and spining and jumping kicks that's the trade mark of tkd.

Manny we all have multiple flaws, but I was looking for that one that no matter how hard you try it just will not go away...