Opinions please


Senior Master
Might I ask some opinions on a few questions please, no right or wrong answers just your opinion on the sort :)

1. What do you like about your style or styles

(my answer)
I like goju ryu (not completely sure how to put it in words but just do; the forms like sanchin or seiuchen are my favorite forms and i can't get enough of kotekitai :s54:

Kobudo, it's all weapons, I like weapons! :)

2. What do you like about tournaments

(my answer)
Never been to a tournament so I don't have much of a opinion in this area

3. What do you like about teaching

(my answer)
I'm not a teacher but id like to teach Kobudo one day, but I have assisted in goju ryu with students that need help on forms and the instructor is busy. Personally i like helping them learn kata or bunkai
Might I ask some opinions on a few questions please, no right or wrong answers just your opinion on the sort :)

1. What do you like about your style or styles
Goju ... taught properly it is as practical a system as is available for defending yourself on the street. Unlimited opportunity to explore the kata.
Krav ... Totally reality based, transparent and maximum effect from minimum effort.
Aikido ... Unbelievable! A real challenge mentally. Contains principles that enhance your practice of all the other martial arts.

2. What do you like about tournaments
I don't compete it tournaments and none of my current styles are sport based.

When I did compete in tournaments it was because it was expected of you and basically, at an amateur level, are good fun.

3. What do you like about teaching?
Teaching is great for many reasons. Firstly it makes you understand your own MA. Students can smell BS from miles away and when they ask a question they expect the truth and an answer that fits their understanding.

I also like the thought that I can pass on the information that I have gained over many years to my family and friends. (My students are all friends :) )
Well I cannot 2 and 3, although with the latter, my current instructor is great. I think that I have retained a great deal of unformation for once.

What I like best about the JKD/Kali is the striking. I mentioned in another thread that Miad (instructor) bases everything around boxing. I saw a good demonstration of Gunting as well as the strikes. Unfortunately though, only the BJJ boys are training at the moment.
1. What do you like about your style or styles

It has been honed to fit my needs. It has excised refined motor skill principles in favor of gross motor skill principles to target a reliable system that is both quickly learned, yet provides a lifetime of training.

2. What do you like about tournaments

Nothing. We don't do them because we aren't involved in sport.

3. What do you like about teaching

The more I teach the more I learn. :)
1. I just like the arts. I think I would be happy doing any form of fight training.

2. Competition used to be fun. Not so much anymore.

3. Best thing about teaching is I get to stop the set of push ups when I want. :)
That would be "information" from my post. Can someone please invent a Dyslexia filter!
1. What do you like about your style or styles

If I really think about it and think about what I was once like, I would have to say Taijiquan is probably the best style for me and likely kept me out of prison

If I really think about it and think about what I was once like, well...that is probably why I like Xingyiquan so much :EG:

2. What do you like about tournaments

Don't do tournaments

3. What do you like about teaching

You learn a lot
1. My art incorporates street, sport, weapons, the breakdown of forms not just what it looks like your doing, appreciation for those that can teach us more no matter their age, respect for those that deserve it. I like the fact that it is diverse in its teaching and still willing to accept new thoughts on the arts

2. Tournaments are a place to meet and enjoy the company of friends that you may not be able to visit any other way. They are a learning place for: sportsmanship, respect of others, seeing new techniques, making new friends, and sometimes beating the hell out of someone you dislike

3. as has been said you learn from teaching :may be by seeing something you had not thought of watching a student do something just a little off will give you more insight into a technique. The draw back is you may not get to practices things you need to also you may need to deal with parents who have no idea what is going on
1. What do you like about your style or styles

Wing Chun:
Show up in street clothes. Learn to hit people. Very efficient, and fits my mindset and physique extremely well.

Very intelligent use of energy and momentum, and very controlling. Also, very good footwork characteristic of weapons-based martial arts. Most of all, it is the opposite of Wing Chun for me; very unintuitive, and challenges my thinking.

2. What do you like about tournaments
Nothing. I don't attend tournaments and have no interest in doing so. They're largely artificial and become far too much of a focus in many Martial Arts.

3. What do you like about teaching
I'm not qualified to teach per-se, so I'm not a sifu or sensei by any stretch. But, as anyone does, I do help to teach my juniors when the opportunity presents itself. I enjoy learning, and helping people to learn in general, and am pretty good at finding the root of a problem, or explaining something in a way that helps someone think about it correctly. Moreover, teaching helps you to re-examine and solidify what you know yourself.