Senior Master
Might I ask some opinions on a few questions please, no right or wrong answers just your opinion on the sort 
1. What do you like about your style or styles
(my answer)
I like goju ryu (not completely sure how to put it in words but just do; the forms like sanchin or seiuchen are my favorite forms and i can't get enough of kotekitai :s54:
Kobudo, it's all weapons, I like weapons!
2. What do you like about tournaments
(my answer)
Never been to a tournament so I don't have much of a opinion in this area
3. What do you like about teaching
(my answer)
I'm not a teacher but id like to teach Kobudo one day, but I have assisted in goju ryu with students that need help on forms and the instructor is busy. Personally i like helping them learn kata or bunkai

1. What do you like about your style or styles
(my answer)
I like goju ryu (not completely sure how to put it in words but just do; the forms like sanchin or seiuchen are my favorite forms and i can't get enough of kotekitai :s54:
Kobudo, it's all weapons, I like weapons!

2. What do you like about tournaments
(my answer)
Never been to a tournament so I don't have much of a opinion in this area
3. What do you like about teaching
(my answer)
I'm not a teacher but id like to teach Kobudo one day, but I have assisted in goju ryu with students that need help on forms and the instructor is busy. Personally i like helping them learn kata or bunkai