Opinions on this story I was told

Just wondering what people think about it especially those who train with weapons[/QUOTE
]What I think.... is that some weapons are illegal. So, if they're illegal, why train with them if you can't carry them?

Granted, sometimes a weapon is OK to have and carry with you, and sometimes it's not, but if there are places where it is not - generally public - for me... I just wouldn't spend a large chunk of my training time on a tool that I could not have with me for another large chunk of my life-time. Just me, though.
jp3 your post has gone funny so can't quote you.

but yes in total agreement, learning sword art or chucks or what ever is fine as pastime, but isn't really that useful if the weapon you have put a great deal of time in to learning, isn't one you would have with you n time of need.

much better to find something ordinary, that you could reasonable have on your person at all times and then train to use that effectively.

for instance, I have an auxillary battery for my phone, that makes a superb fist Iron, or if I tape the usb cable to it(for safe keeping) quite a good half a numchuck
jp3 your post has gone funny so can't quote you.

but yes in total agreement, learning sword art or chucks or what ever is fine as pastime, but isn't really that useful if the weapon you have put a great deal of time in to learning, isn't one you would have with you n time of need.

much better to find something ordinary, that you could reasonable have on your person at all times and then train to use that effectively.

for instance, I have an auxillary battery for my phone, that makes a superb fist Iron, or if I tape the usb cable to it(for safe keeping) quite a good half a numchuck
That, Jobo, is not half of a nunchuck, it is a complete flail. Put some nails on it and you could have yourself a morning star, but I digress.
That, Jobo, is not half of a nunchuck, it is a complete flail. Put some nails on it and you could have yourself a morning star, but I digress.
Most places in the U.S. it would be considered a Slungshot. While there has been recent efforts to "modernize" laws and remove them (or legalize them for CC holders), ims, most states still have laws either regulating or prohibiting Slungshot.

Peace favor your sword,
Most places in the U.S. it would be considered a Slungshot. While there has been recent efforts to "modernize" laws and remove them (or legalize them for CC holders), ims, most states still have laws either regulating or prohibiting Slungshot.

Peace favor your sword,
well if I had taped the usb cable to it with the intention of using it as a weapon, it would be very very illegal here in the uk.
but as I have only done it to stop the two being separated whilst out and about, its ok.

if I ever do use it in anger, it will be cause my life is in danger, it which case I'm willing to take the issues it causes.

I had a,similar thing a few years ago, when a group of men attacked me whilst I happened to be carry a pool cue, the police tried to have me for it, but it got dropped at court
That would have been the Crown Prosecution Service, they decide who goes to court and who doesn't.
but I was already at court, when they dropped it. In fact it was the second appearance. So id been to court twice.

actually for a lot of offences the police get to pick if it goes to court or not, the first the cps know about it, is when you turn up and they read the evidence
but I was already at court, when they dropped it. In fact it was the second appearance. So id been to court twice.

actually for a lot of offences the police get to pick if it goes to court or not, the first the cps know about it, is when you turn up and they read the evidence

Always a pleasure when people think they know your job....and don't.
I'm not polite enough to be one, I prefer to call BS when I read it.
I've no idea what your taking issue with now, the vast majority of the crimes that appear at the Mags have not been subject to vetting by the cps. The police have the,aurthority to process them to court
We will practice on the beach as a Ryu in a few weeks time in Canada. Very early morning, very few people about. No sharp weapons. But nevertheless embarrasingly "Men in long skirts swinging weapons". The main thing is if we are in public we would expect a small audience. This to me is a downside as we really dont want an audience but we are prepared to forego that just to have bit of space. If someone comes up to ask about us we go to great lengths to explain that it's just a cultural pursuit.

No one in his right mind would take a decent blade near salt water. Anyone who does this and brings attention to himself is on some sort of ego trip needs to find a new interest.

Many years ago I used to do some practice on a beach in Cornwall. But as mentioned times and climate change. Where I practiced was deliberately very isolated.
Most places in the U.S. it would be considered a Slungshot. While there has been recent efforts to "modernize" laws and remove them (or legalize them for CC holders), ims, most states still have laws either regulating or prohibiting Slungshot.

Peace favor your sword,

I would offer that a slungshot is simply a primitive (meaning the materials used) flail.

Still, neigher of us would call it half a nunchuck, would we? No...
I would offer that a slungshot is simply a primitive (meaning the materials used) flail.

Still, neigher of us would call it half a nunchuck, would we? No...
I wouldn't call anything half a "numchuck (as originally posted). I wasn't aware full "numchucks" existed.
I would offer that a slungshot is simply a primitive (meaning the materials used) flail.
You would be correct. While "flail" as a weapon usually refers to something in the Medieval style, the definition is lose enough to easily apply.

Still, neigher of us would call it half a nunchuck, would we? No...

Peace favor your sword,
not picking me up for spelling mistakes, particularly ones that the spell checker won't pick up, are you?.
It's genuinely all in good fun. :)

Spell check on my iPhone autocorrects it right, which is kind of odd. It didn't want to let me call them numchucks. I guess a martial artist was consulted on the latest iOS.
It's genuinely all in good fun. :)

Spell check on my iPhone autocorrects it right, which is kind of odd. It didn't want to let me call them numchucks. I guess a martial artist was consulted on the latest iOS.
I've gone my whole life with out there ever being a reason to write the word nunchuck , it doesn't come up a lot in business letters or indeed complaints to the bank

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