Opinions on this story I was told

Like plastic black guns, even not dangerous training swords should be carried and showed in public with "caution"... I would never use my bow out of a dedicated place (or backyard - which is quite appropriated). Not saying it is absolutely and ever wrong, just saying it can avoid trouble, for sure.

Just like a few years ago when the IRA was attacking and bombing us, the public here have again been asked to be vigilant so it makes sense not to prat around in public with anything resembling a weapon.
My personal opinion? The guy was a complete moron. Regardless of what country or state you are in, it's common sense to not wave your weapons around in a public place and keep it wrapped up when moving from A to B. My guess is the guy thought he was a badass and wanted to show off his skills and so picked a place where he would be easily noticed.
I prefaced my comments with 'at the moment' because while we know a bokken isn't bladed, in the current climate from even a short a distance a non martial artist could take it to be a sword or something else. I know you understand but wanted to make it clear. Under normal circumstances it would rarely be a problem taking them outside though we rarely do here erring on the side of keeping ourselves dry. various forces and indeed various police officers take different views on martial arts weapons, mostly depending on who is carrying them. You look dodgy, setting off an officers inner alarms and you'll get stopped.
don't forget the UK police have a bad habit of tasering blind men with white sticks as they mistake them for weapons. Carrying an actual weapon may well get you shot at the moment
don't forget the UK police have a bad habit of tasering blind men with white sticks as they mistake them for weapons. Carrying an actual weapon may well get you shot at the moment

yeah they did it ONCE.... and that makes it a bad habit. :rolleyes:

They also have the habit of running towards terrorists to protect innocent people, they have a habit of dying to save innocent people. they used their riot shields to cover the heads of the firemen to protect them from the debris falling the Grenfell tower as they went into the burning tower block and lots more but hey lets one stupid mistake tar all police officers shall we. Like you are perfect all the time.
yeah they did it ONCE.... and that makes it a bad habit. :rolleyes:

They also have the habit of running towards terrorists to protect innocent people, they have a habit of dying to save innocent people. they used their riot shields to cover the heads of the firemen to protect them from the debris falling the Grenfell tower as they went into the burning tower block and lots more but hey lets one stupid mistake tar all police officers shall we. Like you are perfect all the time.
they did it twice to my knowledge and there was the guy who had dowsed him self in petrol and was threatening to light it, so they tasered him to stop him from doing so and WHOOSH , up he went.
O it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "Tommy, go away";
Tommy didn't go round randomly electrocuting' blind men. Just as they vey occasionally show some bravery, isn't really an excuse for complete disregard for the safety of a member of the public in other situation
Tommy didn't go round randomly electrocuting' blind men. Just as they vey occasionally show some bravery, isn't really an excuse for complete disregard for the safety of a member of the public in other situation

'Occasionally' show some bravery, not very bitter and twisted are you? Well if you think you can do a better job and you obviously think you can, join the police force and when you've been in the job a decent time come back and tell us how you didn't make mistakes or do something you shouldn't have done. I don't know what job you do but we don't come along and snatch the sailor's dicks from your mouth so don't go criticising people when you don't know the situation they are in.

It's so easy to criticise the police, they are a sitting target, everyone thinks they can do better, everyone thinks they know policing and the law, yet people make mistakes every day in their jobs, some even kill people but they still think they can criticise the police who actually do know they make mistakes, they know that often they could do better and they do try to learn from those mistakes. They also know that the government has cut 20,000 police jobs, have brought in more and more paperwork and expect officers to do more with less and for longer, they know that whatever they do is open to public scrutiny in a way that many people's jobs aren't. The majority try hard to do their best, sometimes that's not always good enough but frankly you cannot ask more of people than doing their very best.

Two people tasered wrongly out of the 66million people who live in the UK. That's all.
'Occasionally' show some bravery, not very bitter and twisted are you? Well if you think you can do a better job and you obviously think you can, join the police force and when you've been in the job a decent time come back and tell us how you didn't make mistakes or do something you shouldn't have done. I don't know what job you do but we don't come along and snatch the sailor's dicks from your mouth so don't go criticising people when you don't know the situation they are in.

It's so easy to criticise the police, they are a sitting target, everyone thinks they can do better, everyone thinks they know policing and the law, yet people make mistakes every day in their jobs, some even kill people but they still think they can criticise the police who actually do know they make mistakes, they know that often they could do better and they do try to learn from those mistakes. They also know that the government has cut 20,000 police jobs, have brought in more and more paperwork and expect officers to do more with less and for longer, they know that whatever they do is open to public scrutiny in a way that many people's jobs aren't. The majority try hard to do their best, sometimes that's not always good enough but frankly you cannot ask more of people than doing their very best.

Two people tasered wrongly out of the 66million people who live in the UK. That's all.
if I make a serious mistake in my job, people die, no one has died yet as i take my responsibilities seriously. Doing my best is not good enough, if I cant do it right EVERYtime then I shouldn't be doing it at all. Mrs jones I'm sorry your son died but honestly I was having a bad day and tried my best, just doesn't cut it.

the police take on a job that has serious responsibilities and little amount of danger, it considerably safer than working in the construction industry for instance. So to make the excuse that we should over look major errors of judgement as its a dangerous job is just silly
Tommy didn't go round randomly electrocuting' blind men. Just as they vey occasionally show some bravery, isn't really an excuse for complete disregard for the safety of a member of the public in other situation

if I make a serious mistake in my job, people die, no one has died yet as i take my responsibilities seriously. Doing my best is not good enough, if I cant do it right EVERYtime then I shouldn't be doing it at all. Mrs jones I'm sorry your son died but honestly I was having a bad day and tried my best, just doesn't cut it.

the police take on a job that has serious responsibilities and little amount of danger, it considerably safer than working in the construction industry for instance. So to make the excuse that we should over look major errors of judgement as its a dangerous job is just silly

If someone else with the same job as you makes a mistake....does that mean you are also incompetent as well?

Tommy didn't do things that people hold against him either....yet he is treated poorly for the actions of others. But when the bad people come....they have no problem hiding behind him.
if I make a serious mistake in my job, people die, no one has died yet as i take my responsibilities seriously. Doing my best is not good enough, if I cant do it right EVERYtime then I shouldn't be doing it at all. Mrs jones I'm sorry your son died but honestly I was having a bad day and tried my best, just doesn't cut it.

the police take on a job that has serious responsibilities and little amount of danger, it considerably safer than working in the construction industry for instance. So to make the excuse that we should over look major errors of judgement as its a dangerous job is just silly

No, you don't get it at all, if you think the police would just bimble up and say things like that you are doolally. It's not about having 'bad days' and if you can't see that then you are twice the fool I thought you were. If you think errors in judgement are overlooked then you are seriously mistaken, there are consequences for the officers, often quite severe ones when they make errors, only people like you don't wait to see that before they go off on one. If you think they blithely shrug off someone's death then you are judging them by your own standards not the high standards they strive to reach.

Time and time again you have shown yourself to be aggressively trolling on this site, you show a considerable lack of knowledge and an increasing willingness to wind people up, this says a lot. Now, consider this finished with, I really don't have the time or crayons to explain this to you any further, it's like playing chess with a pigeon quite frankly, it knocks the pieces over, craps on the board, and flies back to its flock to claim victory. So congrats on your win..................
If someone else with the same job as you makes a mistake....does that mean you are also incompetent as well?

Tommy didn't do things that people hold against him either....yet he is treated poorly for the actions of others.
that's not really a rational argument, my industry is incompetent as they keep making mistakes and seriously I hurting or killing people. I generaly get employed one week after they have killed or seriously hurt someone, as it takes that for them to realise they are employing incompetent staff . I would never try to defend the industries record.

nb you need to re read Kipling poem, as it has nothing to do with being blamed for others mistakes
Great line by Former Dallas Police Chief David Brown.

When asked what advice he would give demonstrators, Chief Brown said, “Become a part of the solution, serve your community. Don’t be a part of the problem…we’re hiring. Get off that protest line and put an application in. We’ll put you in your neighborhood – we will help you resolve some of the problems you are protesting about.”
No, you don't get it at all, if you think the police would just bimble up and say things like that you are doolally. It's not about having 'bad days' and if you can't see that then you are twice the fool I thought you were. If you think errors in judgement are overlooked then you are seriously mistaken, there are consequences for the officers, often quite severe ones when they make errors, only people like you don't wait to see that before they go off on one. If you think they blithely shrug off someone's death then you are judging them by your own standards not the high standards they strive to reach.

Time and time again you have shown yourself to be aggressively trolling on this site, you show a considerable lack of knowledge and an increasing willingness to wind people up, this says a lot. Now, consider this finished with, I really don't have the time or crayons to explain this to you any further, it's like playing chess with a pigeon quite frankly, it knocks the pieces over, craps on the board, and flies back to its flock to claim victory. So congrats on your win..................
the police generaly say" lessons will be learnt" and that the officers will get additional training, mean while someone is hurt and then they do it again somewhere else.
the saddest story I can recall is when they watched a 4 yo boy drowned in four foot of water as they wouldn't go in and save him with out a life jacket. The police said,,, you guessed lessons will be learnt and the officers would get additional training. The biggest mystery is how so many idiots get through the selection process. Then there was the one were they were called to a death, and complete failed to notice a six inch knife stuck in the victim back and didn't start a murder investigation. And the one where they kept finding dead bodies out side someone's house and never thought to question the guy who lived there, who it turns out some years later was the murderer
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Great line by Former Dallas Police Chief David Brown.

When asked what advice he would give demonstrators, Chief Brown said, “Become a part of the solution, serve your community. Don’t be a part of the problem…we’re hiring. Get off that protest line and put an application in. We’ll put you in your neighborhood – we will help you resolve some of the problems you are protesting about.”
yes, but that's like if a pay a builder to fix my roof and its still raining in, so I complain and he says be part of the solution fix it yourself, but I've paid YOU to fix it you can't pit the responsibility back on me to sort it out
you started this conversation with me, then got all funny as I didn't agree with you. If it causes you to have to post memes with foul language on what is a family site, wouldn't you just be better off, not starting such conversation, just a thought
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you started this conversation with me, then got all funny as I didn't agree with you. If it causes you to have to post memes with foul language on what is a family site, wouldn't you just be better off, not starting such conversation, just a thought

Sorry this isn't a 'family' site, you have to be a certain age to post here.
My dear boy, you are as I said considered a troll, sadly not a good one but you insist on posting aggressively things to wind people up, alas and alack I'm not wound up and my meme has a certain elegance, the word you seem to object to has been in British dictionaries since 1966.
Sorry this isn't a 'family' site, you have to be a certain age to post here.
My dear boy, you are as I said considered a troll, sadly not a good one but you insist on posting aggressively things to wind people up, alas and alack I'm not wound up and my meme has a certain elegance, the word you seem to object to has been in British dictionaries since 1966.
it doesn't bother me unduly, but I thought foul language was against the t&c, it certainly a very rare thing on here.

but again if you don't like my views, don't start discussions with me on my views, it seems a straight forwards solution to your problem ?
it doesn't bother me unduly, but I thought foul language was against the t&c, it certainly a very rare thing on here.

but again if you don't like my views, don't start discussions with me on my views, it seems a straight forwards solution to your problem ?

Tut tut, I'm not 'starting discussions' with you, I'm telling you that you are in fact very wrong, you may be entitled to your own views but you most certainly aren't entitled to your own facts. You seem to enjoy giving it large on here but get quite a strop on when challenged about anything, you do go on a lot when someone does, quite amusingly so in fact.
Next time you want to personally attack someone and their work it might be an idea to not get so upset when you are challenged.
The absolute pants-on-head. A wooden sword would be okay, even if you still look pretentious as all heck at a public beach.

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