Chris Parker
Many years ago, an Aikido black belt friend of mine came to visit me in Austin, Texas. It happened that there was a Karate tournament in town that day. We both put gloves on and fought in that Karate tournament. Few weeks later, my friend was kicked out of his Aikido association.
There is difference between "skill developing" and "skill testing".
You use
1. non-resisted partner to "develop" your solo skill.
2. resisted partner to "develop" your combo skill.
3. resisted partner to "test" your over all skill.
The difference between 2 and 3 is in
- 2, you know exactly what your opponent is going to do.
- 3, you don't know what your opponent is going to do.
Since Aikido system doesn't have tournament, the "testing" 3 is not available.
Competition is not the only, nor even necessarily the best method of "testing" other than within the competitive format... most Aikido do forms of unscripted/free-form expression (randori), so the comment at the end is inaccurate. Oh, and Tomiki/Shodokan Aikido does have tournaments, for the record...