Opinions on Russian Systema

Is there a meaning to that? This is just me being curious, of courseā€¦. and I'll also offer some advice. If you want to end each of your posts that way, you may consider going into your user profile and making it your signatureā€¦ saves typing it out each time!

It's a gun thing apparently. He mentioned it somewhere.

I thought he was a nick fury fan.
Ok come back to me when you have done hundreds. Then you can be the definition of what self defence is.
HUNDREDS of street fights?!
If that's what you're looking for then you really only want to hear from police officers with several years experience. That's what it sounds like you're saying.

Either that or some very hard criminals who probably aren't reading this thread anyway because they don't have Internet in Ad Seg in the state pen.

"Re-stomp the groin"
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If that's what you're looking for then you really only want to hear from police officers with several years experience

There's a few on MT but he doesn't listen to them either, posting for him and this is his own words, is 'sparring' with him looking to win.
Back to Systema,

I love the emphasis on relaxing that Systema promotes. This is an attribute that is essential for martial practice. Let's look at some movement of Martin Wheeler emphasizing this in an interview video:

There's a few on MT but he doesn't listen to them either, posting for him and this is his own words, is 'sparring' with him looking to win.

Yes. I am not a fan of the dogmatic style conversation that I was just having. And that you approve of.(providing of course you are being the one laying out the wisdom)

I verbally and actually spar all my instructors. And I spar to win. This is how I discern they have an honest approach to training. The trick is there is no loss of respect when you fail.

This relates to systema a bit because one of the criticisms levelled at systema is this non adversarial aproach they advocate creating a non realistic training environment.

So the tez version of communication can be described pretty much as you see on this video.

To preserve the instructors ego. The student does not realistically defend himself he presents an image of defending himself which the instructor will always win. This compounds until the instructor is training the student to collapse and fail.

It makes conversations like an infomercial. Where my respectful questioning are only asked because I know they already have the answers.

So you may not always get a nice conversation from me. But I at least try to have an honest one. None of it is about looking good. Or being cool in the peer group.

More like this.

Which is where the "you only like mma" comments come from.
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Oh dear, conversation as sparring and he has to win. Says it all. No wonder you don't debate anything, you argue. Debate is where everyone listens, puts their puts and we all win. Arguing is where one person is trying to win by putting everyone else down and we all lose. Try debating.
Oh dear, conversation as sparring and he has to win. Says it all. No wonder you don't debate anything, you argue. Debate is where everyone listens, puts their puts and we all win. Arguing is where one person is trying to win by putting everyone else down and we all lose. Try debating.

Not at all what i said.
@Brian R. VanCise
Love Martin's work, it is very honest and free. Hadn't seen that video clip before. It looks like part of one of the Discovery or Military Channel shows. Thanks for sharing.

Perhaps the mods can split off all the nonsense off topic stuff?

Brian King
Self defence is fighting
As has been explained innumerable times, it isn't. It is clear that you will never understand this, no matter how many times and how many different ways it is explained, and that in itself is not a problem. The problem comes when you try to tell the people who do understand that they are wrong.
As has been explained innumerable times, it isn't. It is clear that you will never understand this, no matter how many times and how many different ways it is explained, and that in itself is not a problem. The problem comes when you try to tell the people who do understand that they are wrong.

I love this sort of thing by the way. It is so primary school.

No it has been explained inumerable that it is fighting and you will never learn. (so on and something about me being automatically right due to my own bias. )
The sport-oriented arts [boxing, muay Thai, MMA] will get you fit, and the techniques are generally designed to be as fail-safed and technically refined against similar conditions and is generally the ones I recommend even as a gateway into other martial arts, MMA in particular. From MMA training I seemed to develop the Bruce Lee mindset: absorb what you like, bash them together and see what happens.