You really have an aversion to listening, don't you?
Ok. So more multiquote mayhem.
Not that I think it'll do much good, but sure…
When you just say stuff and expect people to just accept it. Makes you really hard to converse with.
Are you completely unable to follow an argument? I mean… not only do I point out that your definition isn't accurate (or, in your words, "in pretty much every definition of the term"), I then go on to demonstrate that your own example doesn't fit… how is that me just expecting people to accept it? I mean, I backed up my comment straight away…
Defence against assult. Or fighting.
Pretty simple.
Again, you're talking about a legal definition of self defence as an applied action and legal justification/claim. That's not what is meant when talking about training for self defence. And you seem unable to listen when you're informed of that, no matter how many times we try.
I mean, this line of conversation started when you said that "(training specifically) geared up for self defence (was) a misconception"… the concept of self defence being discussed is the training paradigm, not the application in the act. That's the concept you were addressing, and that you've consistently shown a lack of ability to grasp.
Ok. But that is your made up definition. When you say contextually based training. That is your training yeah?
My "made-up definition"?!? Dude, what exactly are you smoking? No, my definition of self defence (in the context of teaching and training the concept) is pretty much the same as anyone else's who actually knows about the topic. That includes people I would consider subject matter experts, such as Rory Miller, Geoff Thompson, Deane Lawler, Richard Dmitri, Dave Grossman and more, as well as (on this forum alone) JKS, Tony Dismukes, paul_d, marques, Brian R Van Cis, and more. Are we subject matter experts? That's up to others to decide for themselves… but we are certainly a hell of a lot more informed on this subject than you seem to be.
And no, it's not just my training… it's the same type of training in every self-defence oriented system around. It's the same methodology followed by those subject matter experts I mentioned, as well as many, many others.
So when you are suggesting that someone does not understand self defence. You mean they don't understand the Chris parker version of it. Not any sort of universal version.
No, I am saying that they don't understand the concepts involved, the training practices, the actual aims, the parameters, and so on, based upon the fact that they continually argue against it and demonstrate their ignorance time and time again.
Of course nobody understands that.
Well, maybe if you listened a bit more…
It is the only definitive version. You either have your own version and then have to accept another version is as legitimate or go to the defined version.
I'm going to try once more… the definition you gave is a legal definition. The definition that we are discussing on the forums is less about the act, and more about the training paradigm and concept. That's where the definitions split.
To act in self defence is one thing… but training for self defence is a different application of the concept again. And when you're asking for "proof" of "self defence" in what is taught, that's the context you're entering into… so your definition is out of place.
Again no. You have taken this as to mean you are some self affirming source.
So you say it. You say you are an expert so therefore an expert has validated what you said. Thefore merely by saying something you have provided proof.
(it is a bit nuts dude)
Garbage. What I'm saying is that you are so blinkered, so poorly educated in the very concept of what does and does not constitute evidence or proof that you are unable to identify evidence when it's planted in front of your nose.
Unlikely you are your own proof. You dont need external justification.
Er, what? Are you saying that you don't need to provide external proof to me that you know what you're talking about, or that I don't need external proof because I am my own evidence that you don't know what you're talking about, or… huh?
You know that lack of logical structure I was talking about in the other thread? Yeah… that…
It wasn't the implication of my post. I did not imply anything. I said outright that a method not trained for a specific purpose can be better at that purpose than one that is.
You can't even follow your own posts, can you?
You spoke about using a punch to get someone to release their grip… then went on to say talk about using it instead of "a specific grab release which may not work very well at all"… that's about a clear-cut an example of implying that a "self defence system" (which is what was being discussed) would rely on some kind of special technique that you feel is going to be ineffective just as a result of it being a self defence system… and now you're saying you weren't implying anything at all?
Dude, you invented a situation, invented a response, and decided that the invented response (trained) was not effective, based on nothing but your own imagination of the entire event…
And as self defence training is a great big fuzzy concept the answer is yes. No. Sometimes.
(exept in the chris parker definition. And god knows what that entails)
I have no idea what the hell you're on about. Self defence training is not a "great big fuzzy concept". You know how I can tell? Because, frankly, everyone else who knows what they're talking about can identify it pretty easily. The only ones who can't don't have an alternative, by the way, other than "sports work because they work in competition"… okay, but that's not what's being discussed… and is really besides the point.
Ok and this is back to you being your own proof. Otherwise as technically sound and tactically sound are fuzzy concepts. Yes. No. Sometimes.
None of that, son, none of it was in any way me being my own proof (which is, again, a concept you've remained wilfully ignorant of as well… it's not a matter of being your own proof, it's a matter of being your own source… but explaining that to you is like trying to explain quantum mechanics to a dog, it seems). But no, tactically sound and technically sound are not "fuzzy concepts" either… they aren't immutable, sure, and there is a lot of variation that can be found, as well as much of it being situationally particular, but that's it.
I thought corroborating evidence would have to exist though. I mean there is mention of your super team of experts but they haven't exactly surfaced.
Read a damn book. The corroborating evidence is absolutely there… I mean, it's been referenced a number of times in this thread alone… but it seems (again) that any form of evidence other than a sporting contest is simply not one you can get your head around.
Are you your own peer group as well as being your own source here?
You're kidding, right? No one can be this unable to follow what's being said… I mean, this is only two pages long, can you really need to go back and re-read it all again?
Yeah. You are welcome to come up with your own version of self defence as am i.
What on earth is that in reference to?
It is when you try to make your version the version that you come unstuck.
(is that fundementalism? Maybe that is the sticking point of the whole issue)
But because your friends agree with you does not make you right. That is silly.
No, mate, it's how you can tell who knows what they're talking about and who doesn't.
They do. As do non self defence systems. It is not defined in that manner.
What? You talk about aspects of personal safety, including avoiding fights in the first place as not being, saying that "none of that covers (these ideas)"… I asked what doesn't cover those ideas, thinking you meant the concept/definition of self defence as you presented it, and went on to point out that self defence oriented systems do cover such things… asking if you thought they didn't… and you respond with "they do. As do non self defence systems". Honestly, none of this makes any sense as there is no context for what you're saying… I mean… what is not defined in "that manner"? What manner?
What are you talking about?
False gods. I mean ideas. Ok. I see where you are heading.
You do get that I was talking about you, yeah?
He doesn't have to be a dictionary to be a subject matter expert. He doesn't even need to have the right terminology.
Dude. Make sense. Please.