The US Constitution doesn't apply outside the US (and often inside it either). So, the only freedom of speech you might have is from your own nations laws.
These morons can pass any law they want, like the one that made it illegal for telemarketers to call me if I'm on the Do Not Call list. All that did was make them move to Quebec where the DNC doesn't apply. I get a lot of harassing calls from there.
I still say, most of this is just "look at me Im working" noise from people who couldn't hold a real job.
How to effectively deal with telemarketers and similar insect pests should really be its own thread. I put my 8 year old on the line with them, " Daddy's too busy, so you can talk to me! Do you like horsies?" Try it!
I wish I could agree about this being merely government "noise", but it is more serious than that. True, there are many barnacle bureaucrats - usually political appointees - who do this, and they genuinely do waste time/money/oxygen.
But many of these laws are pushed by those in the private sector, most prominently those named for a VICTIM OF SOMETHING.
Let's suppose our youngest boy tries to swallow a whole pie at once and chokes on it.... bad parenting? A dumb kid? No, no can't be that..... so I want Albany to pass "Pete's Law" .... banning apple pies! No parent should ever have to go through this loss .... no child should ever be endangered by pie violence again! Alakazam - a new law, for the children, that makes us all safer!!!!!!!
Or, does it....