Swords Banned In Australia

First off, I can't find any place where I said anything anywhere close to, "gun owners are all crazy"--nor do I think it true. I said that guys who aren't cops or soldiers (and it usually is guys) who endlessly pile up weapons, take innumerable courses in "combat handgunning," and constantly come up with scenarios in which their fancy guns and their endless training will be necessary are more than a little weird--and one of the several problems our societies have to deal with, these days.

Franlky--and given the recurrent fantasy that I'm a tree-hugging liberal, this should shock--I actually think there are two types of adults who want to own guns: a) those who can be trusted with pretty much anything; b) those who shouldn't have so much as a potato gun. Our problem is that we can't tell these two groups apart easily, and we can't seem to figure out a Constitutional way to keep the toys out of the hands of the latter group.

And second, great article by Mr. MacYoung & Co.--as have been the other two or three things of his I've read. Disturbing that somebody could be that big, that skilled, and that good a writer on the subject. Probably all martial arts types ought to have to read that essay from time to time--not just in case they're hooked up with a pack of lunatics, but as a basis for sorting through some of their good and bad habits.

I think I'll post the link on KenpoNet--where of course, everybody's rational.