Ong Bak & Muay Boran

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Gin-Gin said:
And is a cutie :)

I believe it is best to neither agree, nor disagree with this statement, due to the connotations, implications and misconceptions it may relate. Tony Jaa is actually considered to be unattractive in Thailand.
I bought that movie ONG BAK and have watched it like 6 times! it's great tony ya is simply awsome and funny at the same time when he threw his first kick and knocked the guy out I knew that this movie was going to be great!
Heh Humlae was also an effective and realistic fighter when he threw those hot spices into the street thugs faces in front of that stand lol. He also utilized his environment pretty well by throwing items back at the people chasing him. Real street science???
hong kong fooey said:
when he threw his first kick and knocked the guy out I knew that this movie was going to be great!

I usually see that as a sign that a movie's going to suck. . . :idunno: Either way, Ong Bak rules.
omgosh!, that movie was awesome, i seen it just the other day, i was impressed with how he handled hisself, and they way he used almost nothing but his elbos and knees! good movie!
7starmantis said:
I enjoyed the movie, the plot was horrible, but the action was ok. It deffinitely wasn't anything I haven't seen. He did a good job, its I guess a new generation, because I didn't see anythink Jakie hadn't done (more extremely) in his early years. The fighting was ok, not as much of it as I had hoped.

Overall it wasn't bad. I did hear it was sort of a slap in the face for MMA Thai Boxers who abandon traditional MT. Dont know if thats true, but his trad MT looking pretty damn good.


I just saw this film, and I pretty much agree with 7sm. It was fun, but I felt it was more or less just an acrobat tossing in some MA moves rather than a pure martial artist. I guess you could say the same for Jackie Chan, but if Chan's stuff was a 10, this was more like a 7.