Okinawa Karate

MY goju ryu study has primarily been with sensei Kevin Shaw and Mike Flanagan. Our line was started in the West by sensie John Jarvis, with our teaching in Japan coming from sensie Higoanna Morio. Although not affiliated or directly connected to, we train in Japan at the Okinawan goju ryu karate-do so Honbu Jundokan, founded by Mayazato Ei'ichi sensei, a senior student of master Chogun Miyagi.
I have trained with a friend that is 7th dan Uechi Ryu and travels to Okinawa often to train. I am not a formal student of hers it's more of a sharing of knowledge; she teaches me Uechi and I teach her CDK. Her instructor is a man named Steven Thompson who trained directly under Kanei Uechi. Sensei Thompson runs a dojo in Kalamazoo Michigan currently and I believe still does annual summer trips to Okinawa with his black belts, but don't quote me on that.
I have trained with a friend that is 7th dan Uechi Ryu and travels to Okinawa often to train. I am not a formal student of hers it's more of a sharing of knowledge; she teaches me Uechi and I teach her CDK. Her instructor is a man named Steven Thompson who trained directly under Kanei Uechi. Sensei Thompson runs a dojo in Kalamazoo Michigan currently and I believe still does annual summer trips to Okinawa with his black belts, but don't quote me on that.
I have met Sensei Thompson several times. He is a friend to Isshinryu and to my instructor. He's a great person. He has a very fine reputation.