Okinawa Karate

your instructor would have tought you Shobayashi Shorin ryu if his instructor was Ezio Shimibukuro. O'sensei has tought numorious service personal on Okinawa over the years.
Mr. Mclain, thanks, that sounds about right. You just gave me more information on that than my instructor ever did. I was in the Corp from May 67-May 70. Got out right after I got back from Nam. Started TKD while in the Corp. Was bored and went into the army about 4 months later. Was in the Army at JFK Center for the next 7 years. I met MSgt McDonald there. He had about 3 tours in Nam and had spent a time in Okinawa. The only instructor he ever mentioned was Eizo Shimabukuro. I trained with him for about 3 years trying to increase my punching ability. Ended up learing all the standard form. The Heians, Bassai Dai, Empi, Nehanchi, Ect. Pardon my spelling, but it has been years since I wrote or even thought about those times and forms. Haven't done any of them since I got out and went back to only TKD.

Interesting that you use the shotokan names for the kata, perhaps you have trained in shotokan since you got out of the military then?

The Okinawan names for the kata are Pinan and not heian, passai and passai dai and nahanchi. Im not sure which kata empi is so wount say.
I am actually anotehr student of Mike Hixson Jr and Sr and have trained very little under Rick Moore. The Hixsons help Chad Bentz run the Imperial School fo martial Arts in Westland mall. They have been their for quite a while. I have not however trained uneder them in a while but last I checked from Hixson Jr's son they were still there.
I know that Mike Hixon Jr. does teach somewhere, but I am not sure, I heard at one time it was in Grovecity. Sensei Barth teaches at the Ohio breathing center. I have the address somewhere. He used to teach at Franklin University, but no longer does. I first met sensei Barth at a Ryukyu Kobudo seminar with Kyoshi Deveroah Domeitrich. Sensei Barth is a hard training nice fellow with a true love of Okinawan karate and kobudo. Master Domeitrich is one of the finest teachers that I have ever had the pleasure of training with. She is the only western woman to be rank 7th dan directly from Akemine Hanshi who was a direct student of Taira. She was a dedicated student of Akemine's for thirty years until his death in 1997. She Started training in Chito ryu karate do with he adopted father William Domeitrich Hanshi. Then she went into the Air Force and while stationed on Okinawa was introduced to Akemine Hanshi. She now also trains in Shinjinbukan Shorin ryu. If you ever get the chance to go to one of her seminars do so. I only wish that I had the time and money at that time to continue to train with her and join her association.
I know that Master Hixon Sr. helped promote the PKC Ohio Valley Championships in Springfield. I have not seen him in several years, He used to attend the Rick Moore tournaments. He also originally had a dojo on Cleveland Ave. which was one of the oldest Shorin ryu schools in Columbus. He moved many years ago.
From page one on the original question, my instructor was Msgt Owen McDonald. He was with 5th SFG and was the NCOIC of the Ft. Bragg TKD training facility in 1975/76. He said I was training in Okinawan Karate. He said his instructor was Ezio Shimmbuko (SP). Now, ya gotta remember this was 39 years ago, my memory is bad and I don't even know if my instructor is even still with us, haven't seen him since I got out in 77. Some where in the late 70's or early 80's I competed in a tournament in Tacoma Washington and I have a picture of me getting my trophy from someone with the same last name. Interesting, neh?

My name is James McMurray, I was at Fort Bragg when Sensei Owen McDonald was there. I was training at the Fort Bragg Taekwondo Branch and he was teaching in Fayetteville and later with Master Johnson in Spring Lake. He indeed trained with The Great E. Shimabuku, at the time, I believe that Master McDonald was a 4th or 5th Dan. We both were two of the 12-instructors for the XVIII Abn Corpos under LTG Henry Emerson. Master McDonald as I last heard is still alive and living in East Texas.
. Im not sure which kata empi is so wount say.[/quote]

Wankan or wakan...i am not sure of the spelling