Okinawa Karate

Doesn't bother me. I know about his reputation. He has been booted off of several other groups and boards.

Hello good people, I am sorry that I have forgotten to address this group. I did not get "booted" I choose to leave these groups and asked to be removed or removed myself. Hello Al Martin and thanks for your comments, to you as well Twendkata. Some of you probably already know this, other may want to listen to see a bit about what is "true" in the world of Karate today. I am a member of the Matsumura Shorin Ryu Karate Hozon Kai, problem is, my name is not "Paul Hart" or anything like that. I am a Sensei and my name is Paul, however the screen name is fictitious and while the history of this person was mostly made up, there was good reason for it. My apologies to the real Shinya Sensei who I did study with for a time. Most of the history of "Paul Hart" was taken from my past, but also from a few others input. Why would I do this you may ask. The reason is, in just around 3 years I have achieved ranks from Nidan to Hachidan and three certificates for Soke from the illustrious Karate groups in both America and Japan. I did this while claiming a false name and a teacher with a grossly misspelled family name and even a misspelled given name. I know as do most that Karate organizations are a joke, but I did it to show the "Karateka" and those who did not know that this is true. You can get rank from just about any organization without ever meeting or testing, like most have that exist out there. I started this project three years ago to show the crap that exists and it was huge success. We had people who actually did meet with us, either me or a stand in for me. Nobody ever asked to see my Karate. Mr. Martin has been a member of the group and knew all to well that the state of Karate in America is a joke. We got guys out there who are real needers, meaning they need more training, more heart or more skill. If this upsets anyone, I am truly sorry, as they probably fit into this group. Unless a Sensei has very bad health, they should be easy to pick out. A real Sensei has conditioned hands from punching a Makiwara, they have the muscles formed to correctly execute the techniques of Karate with speed, power and focus. They continue to train daily to keep their skills at the proper level for the rank they claim. If they don't they are poor Karateka and needers as posted above. Which are each of you reading this? If you are true Karate, I welcome you with a kindred spirit, if you are one of the needers, strap on your white belt and lets correct your training and make Karate what is once was, a life protection art for Matsumura and the Peichin to use to protect the Okinawan King. I have discontinued the use of "Paul Hart" or "Sensei Paul Hart" and will be going back to my original screen name. I have never posted my real name online nor will I. I teach children and adults to never post your real information on line and this would mean I cannot practice what I preach if I were to do this. As always, if any want to test my abilities in Karate, email me and I will explain to you over the phone how we can meet and you can test my Karate. If you practice the Shuri style, you live in the shadow of Sokon "Bushi" Matsumura. You can either make his memory a good thing, or continue to weaken a great art and great Man's memory. Merii Kurisumasu Akemashite Omedetou. Good Day All, Paul
I see Paul, or whatever. It is a strange way to do things, but to each their own. When you were posting, you were showing some disrespect to other stylist. Wouldn't you agree that courtesy and respect are the cornerstones of true karate. That is besides strong waza. I agree that makiwara training is essential and you can definetely tell by looking at a karateka's hands to tell if they are training properly.

I remember the flame posts on Cyberdojo between Daisy and yourself. Saying that one style of karate is the only true karate is a bit closeminded. I know the difference. All that really matters is what you show on the deck. Why would you accept false dan menkyo if they were worth nothing. I know that there are too many paper mills out there, but doesn't this lead to more misconception in the public eye, if you go around and accept such things.

As for my philosophy, respect is earned not given. If you disrespect me, I will not respect you, as for the statements that I made. I have never met you so I could not judge for myself. What is the real name of your sensei? I , as many others was just wanting to do some research on your background. Going around misrepresenting yourself is deceitful. Like you stated, if you are a true karateka then it will show on the deck, when you do your kata, and or kumite. It will show in your kihon.
What are your thougts on Matsubayashi Shorin ryu, and Seito Matsumura Shorin ryu of Philip Koeppel?
One more thing Paul. Don't you think that posting a false image of yourself on a dojo web site for prospective students is a bit immoral and fraudulent? Misleading others and your students is just wrong.
You should think more of your students.
Don't be suprised if you get sued for fraud.
As for me I don't care what you do. But, it does look bad for karate doing such things.
I havent taught in a number of years, except some classes for safety, not Karate. I usually teach only up to 5 students at once, so it is easy to explain to them. Also, we do not teach children Karate and I have had no students under the age of 16 when I did teach. Your comment about accepting rank makes sense but I didn't accept it, because it was not in my name. Kind of shows what rank is worth out there, doesn't it? There are no Dan ranks in my style of Karate. Therefore I do not possess a rank.

About my teacher, why does it matter? My Sensei always said that the clothes(belt) were not what made the warrior. The history of my training is for my students, and them alone. If I learned from Joe the bum down the street, and I am able to defeat you easily, does it make my fighting art worth less? I believe Matsumura said that we should not make a shrine to a teacher, but instead to value the art. It might have been deceitful to make up a story, but it is also deceitful for people to promote in an association that has no business promoting or to promote an individual who never trained with you. Daisy is a joke, she complains about her teachers, but continues to study and train people in a system she has determined to be a lie. Is that not the same as telling people that it is okay to lie? I did not explain myself to debate. I have no one to answer to except the people in my group I respect. It makes no difference to me if others have problems with the methods I have used to prove that 99% of Karate out there is fake. If people want to prove me wrong, I am all for it. Gentlemen, this is my last post. I have stopped by my own choice posting on other boards. I do not wish contact with what my research has uncovered. Have a good life people. To be honest, if you or one of your teachers founded their own system based on training with who knows what, I have little interest in your opinion. If anyone in your system is a "soke" I have no interest in your opinion. I do not think my style is the only style, but I do not think that all the styles that are made up and keep getting made up should not be considered Karate styles. If that means I have a close mind, then so be it. If I call a joke a joke, am I close minded? Truth is what counts, and the truth I see is on the floor of the dojo.

If you would like my opinion on a specific art, please contact me personally. I will not give a public opinion.
He won't state who his real teacher was. I am starting to believe that he never trained in Japan/Okinawa. Probably made that up as well. Who knows, can't get a straight answer out of him.
When people are evasive about things thats when I begin to not believe them at all. Truth is I think its a case that has been thought up over the years but I may be wrong. But since he will not answer things I won't force the issue.
He actually emailed me back and gave me a straight answer. Once you cut through all of the BS, he doesn't sound bad. But, the hard part is getting a straight answer. I wished him peace. Left it at that.
Well, his screen name is still Paul Hart, but he said that he just going to go by Paul.
Thats just what the karate community needs more crazies. Remember Count Dante? Nutty karate instructors makes the arts look like a joke. And there are already too many false karate "Masters","Soke's",etc. out there. Like that Kenpo native american guy that is using some sort of indian/mason rank of 29th degree, now. When you have too many 10th degrees, I guess you have to raise the bar. Eh.
Paul Hart also stated that one organization gave him an 8th degree. Something in his post also stated that he went from ni dan to nana dan in 3 years just by applying to some of these organizations. Neat trick huh?

Just goes to prove my point and convinces me I am correct in my methods. Bye now.
Mod Note

Attention All Users:

Please keep the conversation polite, respectful, and refrain from fraud-busting.

Pamela Piszczek
MT Sr. Moderator
So, youre saying that if we find someone out to be a fraud then we are not to say anything?
I most of us are repectful, and considerate.
I will do my best.
So, youre saying that if we find someone out to be a fraud then we are not to say anything?
I most of us are repectful, and considerate.
I will do my best.

Hello, twendkata71.

I'll refer you to the rules on this:

If members care to direct question and debate to another member, they may invite them to debate in The Great Debate forum. We ask members to refrain from libelous and defamatory comments as well.

Please also consider removing the itals and bolding in your posts - in netiquette, bolding is considered to be "yelling" and itals are for *strong* emphasis.

If anyone requires any further clarification on this matter, please feel free to PM any senior staff member (Sr. Mod, Super Mod, Asst. Admin, Admin) or start a thread in the support forum.

G Ketchmark / shesulsa
MT Assist. Administrator
So, youre saying that if we find someone out to be a fraud then we are not to say anything?
I most of us are repectful, and considerate.
I will do my best.

twedkata we are only saying please reframe yourself in this section, the great debate is the place to voice opinion or facts that you might believe to be honest concerns. Let remember we would like everyone to feel welcome. But we also would like people to argue in the right forums as well. Thank you for all your help. The great debate section is the place to bring up others creditials.
Thank you
Terry Stoker
Senior Moderator
I only use the bold so that I can see what I am typing better. Not yelling in any sense. I don't get excited about discussions to the point of yelling. If I were yelling, I would Ital all my works. Some times I will do this not yelling but to put a strong emphasis on what I am saying. Sorry for any offense.
I only use the bold so that I can see what I am typing better. Not yelling in any sense. I don't get excited about discussions to the point of yelling. If I were yelling, I would Ital all my works. Some times I will do this not yelling but to put a strong emphasis on what I am saying. Sorry for any offense.
Thanks for taking the bold out; it's much easier for most of us to read non-bolded text. I would, however, like to point out that this entire post was italicized. :) You generally have very relevant comments to make; however, I often find it difficult to read bolded and/or italicized print, and appreciate your changing your posts to not be bold or italic. I understand completely using either as emphasis, and do so myself. If you're having trouble reading the print on the screen in the default font, you might consider increasing the font size while typing, and then selecting the entire text and returning it to the original size (2) when you're done.

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