OK one more Try: new Pope, and what chalanges and things the Swiss Guard will face..


Senior Master
We have a new Pope, and as was shown with his not wishing to ride in the armored limo, I think he is going to be a nightmare for his security people.

Now my understanding is that the Swiss Guards are well trained in unarmed and armed combat, but that is not always enough.

now perhaps some have some comments they would like to make as to what you think are the challenges in such situations and things such as what arts might be best suited to such situations.

( HINT .. this is not and was not intended to be a religious question or debate!)
Maybe you can get the ball rolling here by elaborating on why you think security for this pope will be significantly different than it was for previous popes.
The "Popemobile" was designed for John Paul II after the assassination attempt I believe. It was used by him and his successor. If the new pope is refusing to ride in the secure vehicle, it will cause more concerns for his security detail, as their mission scope expands to try to include threats that weren't a major risk earlier.
I guess I always believed (without any actual research) that the papal guard had, besides the pretty armor and big axe, guns and appropriate training.
I have pretty reliable info that, in addition to modern combatives and security training, some Swiss Guards receive actual Renaissance era martial arts training, and that the halberds aren't just for show..
What is the training of the Swiss guards? I assumed the halberds etc. were mostly ceremonial.

Got a penchant for colorful striped parachute pants and dandy feathered hats? Are you male, Catholic, Swiss, ages 19-30, at least five feet, 8.5 inches tall (174 cm), and unmarried or otherwise unattached? Have you completed basic military training, and can produce a certificate of good moral conduct? Do you have a high school diploma or professional degree?
While mostly decorative and ceremonial, the Swiss Guards do have an actual function: guarding the pope and the cardinals. After an assassination attempt in 1981 on Pope John Paul II, more focus shifted to the guards and their roles as protectors, and the men began receiving more comprehensive training with small arms and unarmed combat.

Recruits to the guards must be Catholic, single males with Swiss citizenship who have completed basic training with the Swiss military and can obtain certificates of good conduct. Recruits must have a professional degree or high school diploma and must be between 19 and 30 years of age and at least 174 cm (5 ft, 8.5 in) tall
[h=3]Equipment[/h]Traditional arms
[h=4]Modern arms[/h]
[h=3]Other issues[/h] After the May 13, 1981 assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II by Mehmet Ali Ağca, a much stronger emphasis has been placed on the Pontifical Swiss Guard's functional, non-ceremonial roles. This has included enhanced training in unarmed combat and small arms.
I think they've got quite an extensive and versatile unarmed combat training consisting of more than just one martial style. I expect that they mostly take marksmen as well.
According to an interview I once read with a member of the Swiss Guard the unarmed combat training they recieve is a blend of judo and karate.

As for forearms training, since all recruits have served in the Swiss Army they know how to use both rifles and small arms and carry both when needed.


I have pretty reliable info that, in addition to modern combatives and security training, some Swiss Guards receive actual Renaissance era martial arts training, and that the halberds aren't just for show..

I do Know that the Swiss Guardsman have all had the basic training in the Swiss army. (18 to 20 weeks,) and then any advanced training for their military jobs, then they have on joining the Swiss Guard 5 weeks of Swiss Guard basic and continuing training from then on in security techniques, unarmed Combat, use of Fire Arms, and use of the Halberd, sword, great sword and partisan. if they sign on for a 3rd year, after the initial 2 year enlistment, they are eligible for certification as Swiss Federal Security Specialists. I know for a fact that the halberds are not just for show!

that all said, what do you see as their main challenges? Apparently already as some one said obove he has refused to use the armored vehicles.... Do you see a higher risk for the Pope now say then before? or for any one in the public eye as higher then say 10 years ago? what other things do you see?

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