Much has been made on the Firearms forum at MT (and indeed in anyplace firearms-related) for some while now, concerning the fact firearms and/or ammunition is flying off the shelves on a nationwide basis faster than the manufacturers can put them out.
My own experiences this weekend have irrefutably confirmed this as fact and i don't like that.
First was at my favorite local gun shop in MA. While I was looking around I saw two guys hauling out a case of ammo. That didn't strike me as unusual until I overheard the conversation:
Apparently both men were from New Hampshire, because when questioned why they came all the way down to MA to get ammo ( because it's much easier to buy guns/ammo in neighboring New Hampshire, it being a free state and not communist occupied territory such as MA), they responded "Because there's nothing in New Hampshire" (!!!!)
So later that day, the friends I was with decided, Okay, we'll bypass New Hampshire and head up to Kittery in Maine (Those of you familiar with the region will know of the Kittery Trading Post and just how huge its gun/ammo selection is and has always been).
And when we got there, we figured this would be a more appropriate assessment of just how bad the situation was.
It was bad.
Now normally, when one enters this New England mecca of firearms, there's plenty of everything any subset of the community could want. Here on one side are your muskets/muzzle loaders, there, your double, pump and semi shotguns from hunting to tactical and all a'twixt them, over there your single, double, bolt, slide and lever action rifles of whatever kind you can imagine, over in the wall rack behind the counter all your semiatuomatic rifles from M1 Garands to AR 15s and all a'twixt them, in the counter all manner of sidearms, and ammo all around the place as far as you can see on that floor.
When WE went in yesterday, much of the shotguns/non semi auto rifles were still there, but even they were in shorter supply than usual.
Half of the handgun displays were filled instead with optics, binocs, scopes or what have you. Still an impressive display of sidearms indeed, but not up to KTP's standard.
The semiauto wall behind it? Of all the semi/ fake "assault" category type rifles in the place we saw one (Count it ONE) AR. And it was on hold.
And the ammo situation........
I was looking at holsters when one friend approached me with a gobsmacked look on his face.
"There's almost no ammo."
"Of what kind?" I ask.
"All the rifle ammo's gone".
He being a fan of military style rifles I then ask, "All the rifle ammo, or just the "military" calibers?"
"ALL of it".
Ladies and gentlemen, i have got to go and see this for myself.
And when i get there, he's right. You can barely even find three or four boxes of .30-06.
You still had a decent number of shotgun shells, but the handgun ammo had taken a noticeable hit too.
Even the chocolate ammo they have at the registers was almost gone, WTF does THAT say.
Ladies and gentlemen, this was not an encouraging sight.
I mean it WAS, but it WASN'T.
It was because people are awake now. They remember the last time this party was in power, they believed gun bans would "never happen here" until the 1994 fiasco. Come the midterms in '96, those responsible paid for it and have never forgotten, since this current administration has introduced its "AWB on steroids" bill and not even a single Democrat will touch it, even those known to be anti gun "crusaders".
So when we get a situation like this where even people you normally wouldn't consider "gun rights" supporters are snapping stuff up left and right, that sends a clear message to Congress on its own: We've seen this movie before and will not tolerate a sequel.
But the problem is we've never had a Democratic party this full of this many people arrogant enough to try anyway, and so there's a greater chance now than ever of needing to use it.
".....I see the bad moon arising.
I see trouble on the way.
I see earthquakes and lightnin.
I see bad times today.
Dont go around tonight,
Well, its bound to take your life,
Theres a bad moon on the rise.
I hear hurricanes ablowing.
I know the end is coming soon.
I fear rivers over flowing.
I hear the voice of rage and ruin.
All right!
Hope you got your things together.
Hope you are quite prepared to die.
Looks like were in for nasty weather.
One eye is taken for an eye.
My own experiences this weekend have irrefutably confirmed this as fact and i don't like that.
First was at my favorite local gun shop in MA. While I was looking around I saw two guys hauling out a case of ammo. That didn't strike me as unusual until I overheard the conversation:
Apparently both men were from New Hampshire, because when questioned why they came all the way down to MA to get ammo ( because it's much easier to buy guns/ammo in neighboring New Hampshire, it being a free state and not communist occupied territory such as MA), they responded "Because there's nothing in New Hampshire" (!!!!)
So later that day, the friends I was with decided, Okay, we'll bypass New Hampshire and head up to Kittery in Maine (Those of you familiar with the region will know of the Kittery Trading Post and just how huge its gun/ammo selection is and has always been).
And when we got there, we figured this would be a more appropriate assessment of just how bad the situation was.
It was bad.
Now normally, when one enters this New England mecca of firearms, there's plenty of everything any subset of the community could want. Here on one side are your muskets/muzzle loaders, there, your double, pump and semi shotguns from hunting to tactical and all a'twixt them, over there your single, double, bolt, slide and lever action rifles of whatever kind you can imagine, over in the wall rack behind the counter all your semiatuomatic rifles from M1 Garands to AR 15s and all a'twixt them, in the counter all manner of sidearms, and ammo all around the place as far as you can see on that floor.
When WE went in yesterday, much of the shotguns/non semi auto rifles were still there, but even they were in shorter supply than usual.
Half of the handgun displays were filled instead with optics, binocs, scopes or what have you. Still an impressive display of sidearms indeed, but not up to KTP's standard.
The semiauto wall behind it? Of all the semi/ fake "assault" category type rifles in the place we saw one (Count it ONE) AR. And it was on hold.
And the ammo situation........
I was looking at holsters when one friend approached me with a gobsmacked look on his face.
"There's almost no ammo."
"Of what kind?" I ask.
"All the rifle ammo's gone".
He being a fan of military style rifles I then ask, "All the rifle ammo, or just the "military" calibers?"
"ALL of it".
Ladies and gentlemen, i have got to go and see this for myself.
And when i get there, he's right. You can barely even find three or four boxes of .30-06.
You still had a decent number of shotgun shells, but the handgun ammo had taken a noticeable hit too.
Even the chocolate ammo they have at the registers was almost gone, WTF does THAT say.
Ladies and gentlemen, this was not an encouraging sight.
I mean it WAS, but it WASN'T.
It was because people are awake now. They remember the last time this party was in power, they believed gun bans would "never happen here" until the 1994 fiasco. Come the midterms in '96, those responsible paid for it and have never forgotten, since this current administration has introduced its "AWB on steroids" bill and not even a single Democrat will touch it, even those known to be anti gun "crusaders".
So when we get a situation like this where even people you normally wouldn't consider "gun rights" supporters are snapping stuff up left and right, that sends a clear message to Congress on its own: We've seen this movie before and will not tolerate a sequel.
But the problem is we've never had a Democratic party this full of this many people arrogant enough to try anyway, and so there's a greater chance now than ever of needing to use it.
".....I see the bad moon arising.
I see trouble on the way.
I see earthquakes and lightnin.
I see bad times today.
Dont go around tonight,
Well, its bound to take your life,
Theres a bad moon on the rise.
I hear hurricanes ablowing.
I know the end is coming soon.
I fear rivers over flowing.
I hear the voice of rage and ruin.
All right!
Hope you got your things together.
Hope you are quite prepared to die.
Looks like were in for nasty weather.
One eye is taken for an eye.
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