OK... minor rant time

It just says that 'da sifu is an insult', not literally what it means. I know there isn't always a literal translation however. Im far too curious.

Da sifu = Da Shifu

both literally mean big teacher. But it can be interpreted as "Grand Master" in a sarcastic and insulting way on mainland China. Similar to calling someone huā quán xìu tǔi which is kind of like telling them there Kung Fu is a flowery dance with no substance. Either one, if you are Chinese talking to a Chinese MAist will get you a fight if the person you are talking to is an actual MAist. If you are a westerner calling a Chinese MAist a Da Shifu they will likely give you a pass or possibly even tell you to call them that because they know we are big on silly titles and titles equate to $$$ but I would not try the huā quán xìu tǔi that will get you in trouble . However I can't seem to get away with Da Shifu either.... it gets me in trouble just the same :boxing:

A lot of people spell it Sifu but the proper Pinyin is Shifu in the South, Cantonese it is pronounced Seefoo, in the north, Mandarin, it is pronounced Shrfoo. As for how it is pronounced in the other Chinese Dialects I cannot tell you.
Thanks for all the great linquistc info! I don't think I was ever at risk of accidently insulting another sifu by calling his kung fu flowery dance, but it is nice to know I could if I wanted to now :)

I do think it is important to know where the terms we use come from and to use them as correctly as possible. It is very difficult to be taken seriously by our Chinese friends if we don't take the time to learn these things.
zhǒu tóu??

I can't remember the literal translation but what it basically means is your kung fu is like an embroidered pillow, pretty on the outside but soft on the inside. Basically it’s pretty to look at but full of fluff. :D

My sanda shifu liked that one in reference to a sifu in my area who shall remain nameless
I can't remember the literal translation but what it basically means is your kung fu is like an embroidered pillow, pretty on the outside but soft on the inside. Basically itÂ’s pretty to look at but full of fluff. :D

My sanda shifu liked that one in reference to a sifu in my area who shall remain nameless

Ah... that's similar to my insult... Flower Hand Brocade Leg
Ah... that's similar to my insult... Flower Hand Brocade Leg

True but the embroidered pillow remark always makes me laugh

And for the record my sanda sifu has commented on the other nameless sifu's kung fu, to his face, with "huā quán xìu tǔi"... and no fight occured :hmm: I wonder why ;)
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