Xue Sheng
All weight is underside

I have no idea where to post this nor do I have any idea if anyone cares, but here it is just the same
I have come to the conclusion, although I still feel that Yang style is dying as a martial art as are most Tai Chi styles, that the problem with Yang style is not Yang style it is me.
My apologies to the Traditional Yang people I have upset with my occasional rants. :asian:
As I have said a few times Yang was not my first choice Chen was and as a Chen master once told me, “once you do Chen you will only want to do Chen, nothing else will do”. I don’t know if that is true, but I will say I like Zhaobao but then again it is very similar to Chen. But since it was supposedly designed by a member of the Chen family I am not surprised.
And after much thinking, checking, reading, question asking, ranting and just plain babbling, even a very very short lived venture into MMA (believe it or not), I have a fairly good idea of the direction my training is going to go in, although I am not ready to actually say what that is beyond Qigong with an old Taoist, but it will very likely stay CMA. However I am not sure if Tai Chi will be part of that training at all. Of course it will have an effect on anything I train, I simply trained it to long for it not to, but official studying of Tai Chi may or may not be part of any future training. If any Tai Chi is involved at all it will be Chen or Zhaobao, if I can find the teachers for it.
However I am fairly certain traditional Yang style will not part of it. I can’t get myself to do it at all. I can do 24 form three or four times a day and work on 48 form, they look rather traditional these days though, but I cannot get myself to do any of the Yang forms I have been doing for 12 years. I can work on the Chen forms I use to train, I started working on the Zhaobao form I saw in Beijing (9 sounds above the ground) which lead me to buying a DVD of that form while in Beijing (the beginning of the Zhaobao form is Chen, no doubt about it) and I have even started doing Sil Lim Tau from my short lived Wing Chun training years ago, but I cannot get my self to start any of the traditional Yang forms. And I have to say I am training harder now than I was before when I was training with my Yang Style Sifu, and I can honestly say this for the first time in years,
DAMN My legs hurt!!! Those Chen stances are low.
As for the Xingyi I started again, I have lost the interest in it that I had all those years ago. Although the training was very good and very real, it was too far to travel once or twice a week and I just am not interested in it anymore, at least not like I was 10 or so years ago. And once again, I can’t get myself to do it, or I should say I can’t get myself to do it regularly. And since I do not feel that my lack of training is fair to the teacher or the rest of the class I stopped. Also the Cheng Manching style, although I do like it and the teacher was very good, it is at the same location as the Xingyi and it is not only to far but too early and conflicts with my work schedule.
So this is how it pans out for me for now, Qigong with a real life Qigong master and home training until I am ready to go to the Art I think I should be in and I have a pretty good idea as to what that is and it is most definitely not Yang Style Tai Chi. If Tai Chi is part of it at all it will be secondary and Chen or Zhaobao. Also the only game in town for either is my first Sifu who is definitely pure Wushu (Graduate of a Physical education university in China with a master’s degree). And I have been given the e-mail address of a Zhaobao master (by one of his students in China) that comes to NYC about once a year, this is about 300 Miles south of me. Chen Zhenglei also comes to my area twice a year so there is another possibility, but he really does not like my first Sifu, but that's another story.
As for the Sanda/Sanshou I trained briefly, that may continue but at a later date neither I nor the teacher has the time right now however trees do still fear me because of it.
Thanks… :asian:
Rant finished…
Not to worry, I am sure I will rant again someday... Knowing me, possibly later today