Ok Clear to start working out

Terry, Great start! You keep posting the workouts and we'll keep on with the motivation. O' course if you miss a day we're all coming to your house to, um, help with the workout.:whip1:

The house is only a year old so we must go to the dojaang
1 set of 50 situps
1 set of 40 V-ups
3 sets of 10 lunges
Stationary bike for 1 mile

45 minutes of a tap class my friend talked me into in a *HOT* room - some mild cardio.

To eat today:

Toast with a little peanut butter
1/2 honeycrisp apple
1/2 cup yogurt with strawberries and blueberries
1 banana
1 veggie sammich (lettuce, tomato, onion, pickle) weensie bit mayo (about 1/2 tsp)

About to have ultra thin-crust veggie pizza, no cheese and salad.

I'm down 16 oz of fluid as I type for my daily 10 servings of liquid.

Stretching in a bit, then hyung.

That is agreat job, I forgot about dancing. Your diet is wonderful, I'm going to steal this for tommorrow. OK
11/15/2007 same as yesterday

To eat strawberries and for lunch bean spourts and steak.

I'm really to sore to write everything hurts.
Novemebr 14th 2007 10:41 am.

Done for this am workout:

3 sets of 50 crunches
3 sets of 25 push ups
ran 1/8th of a mile
walked another mile and a half
did 50 kicks each leg (consisited of) Back and front leg roundhouse, sidekicks and axe kick. finished with a 15 minute ride on the stationary bike.

I will check back afte the evening workout.
Crap, Terry, when I get down there I won't be able to keep up with you... I don't do much in the way of pushups or crunches... and I don't run; makes my knees ache too badly.

If this is what you do when you're out of shape, what do you do when you're in shape?
My God, Terry, bean sprouts?! Have you gone completely off your rocker?:ultracool Keep on keeping on, amigo.
Pace yourself, if you're too sore to write how are you going to work out? Take little steps, you'll get farther, faster that way.
Okay - some fatigue today - lots of soreness in hams and quads, left knee hurts.

Noon food check-in:

Dry whole wheat toast (this is affecting my digestive system, i think)
1 banana
12 almonds
12 oz. water *
two pieces roast chicken
1 large navel orange.

*I think I'm behind in my water intake.

Exercise this morning was limited to ... ah ... adult activities. :o
Okay - some fatigue today - lots of soreness in hams and quads, left knee hurts.

Noon food check-in:

Dry whole wheat toast (this is affecting my digestive system, i think)
1 banana
12 almonds
12 oz. water *
two pieces roast chicken
1 large navel orange.

*I think I'm behind in my water intake.

Exercise this morning was limited to ... ah ... adult activities. :o

Great Job Georgia
Crap, Terry, when I get down there I won't be able to keep up with you... I don't do much in the way of pushups or crunches... and I don't run; makes my knees ache too badly.

If this is what you do when you're out of shape, what do you do when you're in shape?

Kacey Don't worry we have other people there to train with you. I use to do about twenty times what I do now just two years ago. It will be fun when you come so don't worry.
Kacey Don't worry we have other people there to train with you. I use to do about twenty times what I do now just two years ago. It will be fun when you come so don't worry.

Thanks... since I have a day job, I don't spend as much time training as I'd like to - and at 41, 18 months after seriously spraining one knee, which still gives me trouble, I'm not in nearly as good shape as I should - or would like - to be. But I have lost 15 pounds in the last few months (now that I can stand longer; for the first year after the knee sprain, even walking distances was painful), so I'm making progress... I think. ;)
2 things


2) YouÂ’re a bad influence on me, last night I did all my Taiji forms pretty much as usual, except I did the long form in 30 minutes instead of 15 to 20 and thenÂ…. After all of thatÂ… I looked over at the barbell I have in the corner collecting cobwebs and dustÂ… and started doing dead liftsÂ…..Now do you SEE what you have done.
2 things


2) YouÂ’re a bad influence on me, last night I did all my Taiji forms pretty much as usual, except I did the long form in 30 minutes instead of 15 to 20 and thenÂ…. After all of thatÂ… I looked over at the barbell I have in the corner collecting cobwebs and dustÂ… and started doing dead liftsÂ…..Now do you SEE what you have done.


Haha! And I am clearing a space in the house I live in so that I can work out inside the house. Its not big enough to do a hyung yet, but it will be!!! Already it is more than big enough to do the yoga poses and some kicks and pushups/crunches.

Oh, and I do not run either. I must baby my knees!

<I am off to knock out another set up pushups right now. The area is right behind me, right behind the computer machine!!!>

Go, Terry, Go!!!
No I worked out today but had a lot od running around. We had a belt test this evening so just got home.

Ran for 1/4 mile today, did 4 sets of 50 crunches and then rhough twenty five of every kick finished with a 1 mile walk and 4 sets of 25 push ups.

eating was two poached eggs and three stripe of bacon and a piece od rye toast. Lunch was a bowl of chili. Dinner was a meal replacement shake.
First of all.... YAY TERRY!!! I'm glad you've been given the all clear!! It sounds like your catching up pretty well, considering how long it's been and where you were before. Keep up the great work!
Saturday the 16th of November was a light workout

Only did 2 sets of 50 crunches
2 sets of twenty five push ups and ran 1/4 mile and waled about three more.

Eat out for all three meals breakfast was eggs and grits, lunch was soup and a salad, dinner was friead catfish. Oh yea before I forget me and my two sons had a Oreo madness at risky 50's diner.

The oldest was on a date with his girl.
Saturday the 16th of November was a light workout

Only did 2 sets of 50 crunches
2 sets of twenty five push ups and ran 1/4 mile and waled about three more.

Eat out for all three meals breakfast was eggs and grits, lunch was soup and a salad, dinner was friead catfish. Oh yea before I forget me and my two sons had a Oreo madness at risky 50's diner.

The oldest was on a date with his girl.

OK that's good.....

Sunday is church day all day, but this is what I did walked about 4.5 miles rode the exorcise bike and played five three on three basketball games and two games of flag football. So it was more cardio then anything else. Have to do what you can when at church.
Looking good Terry. Ya gotta do what you can.

Okay, here's mine for the w/e. Keep in mind I drove to Seattle (a 2.5-3 hour drive one way) to see Warren Miller's "Playground" and to see the Space Needle.


Food: Toast & fruit, subway veggie sandwich (6") with baked lays and iced tea, yogurt parfait, 4-pc chicken tenders, YES a coke, YES an iced latte (no whip) and four small pieces of fudge from the Seattle Fudge Company.

Exercise: Walking ... but not much, admittedly. A lot of friggin' sitting with the driving and the movie and the driving again.


Food so far: Scrambled eggs/egg whites* 2 whole grain pancakes 1.5 tablespoons real maple syrup** 1 cup black coffee, 10 oz. nonfat milk.

Exercise: None yet. Sorry, jet-lagged from the drive still and PMSing (at my age fatigue becomes a real factor). Plus the shoulder is really hurting today, cold and rainy outside. I will do hyung tonight and dynamic stretching.

* I cooked the eggs for the whole family together and used half whole eggs and half egg whites only. I cook these in Smart Balance oil lightly misted in a pan. Included 1/2 cup turkey ham and 1/2 cup grated cheddar (that's in the whole dish, divided up amongst 4 adults and 1 child).

** I buy pure maple syrup from Canada to avoid the high fructose corn syrup in all the other brands as this can lead to diabetes.
Sunday is church day all day, but this is what I did walked about 4.5 miles rode the exorcise bike and played five three on three basketball games and two games of flag football. So it was more cardio then anything else. Have to do what you can when at church.
I don't think a few jumping jacks during church service would kill ya. I want to see some dedication mister!
I don't think a few jumping jacks during church service would kill ya. I want to see some dedication mister!

Those teenager will kill with all the running they do. You are right Jump n jack could have been done.