Oi Karate Kid!

I would say SNT is definitely not a chick magnet.
When my wife sees me practicing it, she says she had to wear special shoes when she was little to keep from standing like that.


I had visions of Nabakatsu at the bus stop working on his SNT with hordes of young girls crying out for him like he was Justin Bieber.
You can imagine the conversations.

Teenage Girl 1: Oh my God , oh my God , oooh my God , did you like ... see that guys Fook Sau .... it was like ... totally relaxed.

Teenage Girl 2: Oh my God thats nothing girlfriend , I like .... totally touched his Tan Sau and I'm like ..... never washing this hand ever again.
I taught them chi sao type of rolling. ..one hand or two. .. standing on their two hind legs.Their fok saos were perfect- very natural controlling motions. Sometimes when they had an open line they would poke me with their nails.
A head shot pf my late Malamute is on my web site:


joy chaudhuri

I might try that out with our dog , I'll have to lower my stance quite a bit though , the little fella is a Pomeranian.
I guess I will have to be on guard for his attacks to the lower gates I imagine.
I used to chi sau with our late golden retriever. Lousy tan sau though. But his secret weapon got me every time....dog breath.
I used to chi sau with our late golden retriever. Lousy tan sau though. But his secret weapon got me every time....dog breath.

i use my own secret move for this- takeyoutothevettogetyourballscutoff sau - really takes the fight out of the little buggers.:)
Teenage Girl 1: Oh my God , oh my God , oooh my God , did you like ... see that guys Fook Sau .... it was like ... totally relaxed.

Teenage Girl 2: Oh my God thats nothing girlfriend , I like .... totally touched his Tan Sau and I'm like ..... never washing this hand ever again.

Teenage Girl 3. Screw his Fook Sau, I want him to fook me nau!
Not to be a wet blanket, but I have always been of the opinion that practicing your art in any area where people can witness it who are not participants is an unacceptable risk.
I went with a friend to practice sparring in the park just once. We put on all the full gear and chose a secluded area. It was nice to be out in the cool breeze and sunshine, but within a few minutes there were spectators. It made me uncomfortable even though nobody actually said anything to us. What's the difference between the passersby who stop by to watch a class at the school (which I have no trouble ignoring), and the passersby who stop to watch in the park? I don't know, but there was a difference. It felt like one or two of them were being voyeuristic, but perhaps that was all in my head.

Then there are stories from others who report being stopped and questioned by local LE when training in parks. Usually it ends with the officer being reassured that all is well and saying Have a nice day, but one MAist I know of was told that he couldn't practice there and had to move on. I don't know what I would say if I had the bad luck to encounter one of those, but the thought angers me. So I just avoid the scenario and train in my own school or backyard.
Its really not too bad if the police tell you to move along you just do it. Dont cause a fuss and then that way you show them that yous arnt a bunch of thugs. Go along again in a few months and the situations usually different as theyve seen that you co operate.

I used to do Parkour a good few years ago and that was the situation we were in a few times but by co operating you make a good impression on the scene.
we train in a garage at a closed gate community so there's not a lot of people that goes by.

Some of my best training sessions have been in the garage/backyard setting. So, it sounds like you found a school or group to train with?