Oh yay: Earn Your Black Belt Online Anytime Anywhere

makeshift swing, childrens scarf (probably wont work well but you could try it) lol

That could work! Or you could sew it together as a clever mask/disguise. Bookstraps. Sew together to make fashionable cellphone holder. Cut into squares and glue to bottom of table legs (protect floors froms scrapes). Straps for dresses or tank tops. Toilet paper. Make a wallet. Clothes line. Horse harness. Gun sling. Coffee insulator (Okay, I'm really reaching here.) Tie young tree's up. Chew Toy. Toy chest for dress up. Cut up to make interesting artwork.
LOL, I can just imagine them strutting that black belt at the mall while people stare these weirdo's that don't have anywhere appropriate to wear their black belt.
You aint seen nothin, until youre in a Petrol Station, and some Guy is standing out there filling his Car... Whilst Wearing a Karate GI and a Brown Belt.
Then He walks in like nothings Unusual, and Buys a Snickers Bar. :s143:

Then there is the Equally Important Fact that I was just in there to Buy some Ice Cream.
You aint seen nothin, until youre in a Petrol Station, and some Guy is standing out there filling his Car... Whilst Wearing a Karate GI and a Brown Belt.
Then He walks in like nothings Unusual, and Buys a Snickers Bar. :s143:

Then there is the Equally Important Fact that I was just in there to Buy some Ice Cream.

Makes sense if you're on your way to or from class etc... Showing up at the mall or the cinema's would be funny though! I mean, where do you wear this "black belt" that isn't recognized? I suppose your living room?
Makes sense if you're on your way to or from class etc... Showing up at the mall or the cinema's would be funny though! I mean, where do you wear this "black belt" that isn't recognized? I suppose your living room?
Well, its probably worth mentioning, that it was 4am at the time.
I always try to be objective when I post on forums but this time it didn't work.....

"No you cant get a true black belt online or by video"

Attending a class run by a quality instructor over time ( preferably a long time ) is the true path to being a good black belt.

sorry to sound preachy! :soapbox:
I always try to be objective when I post on forums but this time it didn't work.....

"No you cant get a true black belt online or by video"

Attending a class run by a quality instructor over time ( preferably a long time ) is the true path to being a good black belt.

sorry to sound preachy! :soapbox:

The only thing you can get, is a bit of Restrospect.
For example, if I wanted to Learn a Karate Style Front Kick Online, I could.
Because to Me, its just a Technical Variation.

I firmly believe however, that you cannot Learn it Solely Online.
Well, its probably worth mentioning, that it was 4am at the time.

*grins* Yeah, I'd probably laugh. In college, one of my friends was a cashier at shop. Hanging out waiting for my friend to finish her shift and this hot, buff guy in jeans and a t-shirt walked in wearing hot pink stilleto heels and picked up a dvd. His face was dead serious. I had to hide in the back, I couldn't keep a straight face.
I actually do not see any need for a larger organization to recognize your ranking. For some people it matters, for others it does not. For me, it does not.

I've said over and over, this kind of training is junk.

I visited the guy's website. I see that his younger son graduated high school in 2011, so I guess that makes him about 18 years old. He's been training since the age of "two". He's a fourth dan. That alone tells me all I need to know.
I actually do not see any need for a larger organization to recognize your ranking. For some people it matters, for others it does not. For me, it does not.

Belts don't matter to me, but if I'm going to deign to "earn" a black belt, it should be worth more than the cost of materials it cost to make it.
Belts don't matter to me, but if I'm going to deign to "earn" a black belt, it should be worth more than the cost of materials it cost to make it.

There are Benefits to Rank besides Prestige, and whatnot.
It really depends on how the Organisation Works.

For Example; Where I Train, Black Belts Spar Full Contact without Gear, based on the Idealogy that by that Point, they should be Skilled enough in all Aspects to manage it - And most of the Time, avoid being hit overall.
Belts can be a Mark of Recognition, more than an Object of Prestige.
As well as a way for Instructors to know someones General Skill Level.

In Short, I dont consider Belts to be some kind of Reward.
Ive never had to pay for one, ill never pay for one, and ill never request one.
But my Belt essentially Coincides with my Understanding of the Art, the Contents of the Art, and my Skill within the Art.

Otherwise, youd have Beginners being killed by Advanced Students, and that is possibly a literal statement.

Say you did Proper Kickboxing.
Since Belts are Irrelevant to you, would you mind Sparring a Black Belt, on condition he doesnt wear his Belt, doesnt tell you his Belt, and doesnt hold back?
You wouldnt know any different until it was too late. Not that you could do anything anyway.

-This is mostly Retrospect on Belts, Ranks, and other Symbols. Since its Easy for Beginners, or Students at Laid Back Places to not consider what Belts should Represent, besides some kind of Hallmark.
What's the point of that black belt if they're not sparring outside of their home?

Shouldn't someone with more experience know well enough to take it easy on someone with less experience? If I can see someone doggy paddling, I'm not going to challenge them to go cliff diving with me. If I play badminton with someone and can see they can barely serve, I'm not going to smash at them or clear the court. If I go for a run with someone and I can see they're winded, I'll suggest a one minute walk before picking up the pace again. I'll stay on the bunnyhill when I'm skiing with a friend who needs to learn how to snowplow. If you're experienced in a sport, you don't need a belt to spot someone with less experience.
What's the point of that black belt if they're not sparring outside of their home?

Shouldn't someone with more experience know well enough to take it easy on someone with less experience? If I can see someone doggy paddling, I'm not going to challenge them to go cliff diving with me. If I play badminton with someone and can see they can barely serve, I'm not going to smash at them or clear the court. If I go for a run with someone and I can see they're winded, I'll suggest a one minute walk before picking up the pace again. I'll stay on the bunnyhill when I'm skiing with a friend who needs to learn how to snowplow. If you're experienced in a sport, you don't need a belt to spot someone with less experience.

Of course. But if Belts and Ranks are Irrelevant, then everyone is of Equal Stature. If you can see where im going with this.
Ranks tell everyone who Skilled other People are.

Another example, would be to go and do every Kata in Shotokan Karate.
Because you wont be able to do them remotely properly, without Years of Training. Let alone Memorize them.

Or to take TKD; Won Hyo to be exact. An outright beginner would Hyperextend their Leg on the 8th Movement, assuming they didnt fall over, or cheat the Height, or just touch their Leg out. Won Hyo is a Green Belt Pattern. A Yellow Belt Green Tag might be able to Learn it, sure. But any lower, and there are Risks.
Let alone expecting them to Memorise all the Uses and Details and Applications so early on.
Of course. But if Belts and Ranks are Irrelevant, then everyone is of Equal Stature. If you can see where im going with this.
Ranks tell everyone who Skilled other People are.

I don't think I really see the point unless you're looking to go competitive. From point a, as a beginner, I'm sure my stance is wrong before anything even happens. I know from the sports I'm already familiar with that I don't have to see much to know what level they are at and to know if I should go gentle or know that they're well out of my league. I doubt it takes an experienced MA many seconds to figure out what they're looking at either.
I don't think I really see the point unless you're looking to go competitive. From point a, as a beginner, I'm sure my stance is wrong before anything even happens. I know from the sports I'm already familiar with that I don't have to see much to know what level they are at and to know if I should go gentle or know that they're well out of my league. I doubt it takes an experienced MA many seconds to figure out what they're looking at either.

Your Stance may be Wrong - But then, most People make their Own Stances after a while. So this becomes a Boolean Value.
The Organisation im with, alonside various forms of Karate and Kung Fu (Such as Wing Chun) dont even have Competitions.
But you still get Belts, to Signify your Knowledge.
Much like how a General can be a 1star, 2star, 3star, 4star, 5star or 6star General. Or how you can have a 1st Lieutenant, 2nd Lieutenant, and so forth.
You dont get rushed up. The Levels Signify not only how long youve been doing your Job/Style, but also your Understanding of it.

If you were learning a Sport-Geared Style like Muay Thai, Boxing, MMA, or Olympic Taekwondo, or Whateverelse, then this is perhaps more True.
But there are plentiful Organisations which arent like that at all, and dont even possess a Sport Angle.

Video Supplement: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JO6P8NmkJqc&feature=related

EDIT: Optionally, and possibly more Accurately; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsCjp3NUG2Q&NR=1
Mike is fun!

So is this is more about tradition then? Because I can't see why I would need to signify my knowledge/experience/understanding as a swimmer, runner or skateboader or any other sport. IRL people use their best judgement how well someone knows their sport or game. At the pool hall, people don't come with a warning whether they're really good or not.
Mike is fun!

So is this is more about tradition then? Because I can't see why I would need to signify my knowledge/experience/understanding as a swimmer, runner or skateboader or any other sport. IRL people use their best judgement how well someone knows their sport or game. At the pool hall, people don't come with a warning whether they're really good or not.

Not so much Tradition.
Im mostly using a Tradition as an Example.
There are Modern Styles like Krav Maga with similar idealogies.
Or Kajukenbo.

And if you were a Swimmer, on a Professional Level, theyd ask if youd ever Swum before. As a Runner or Skateboarder also. At a Pool Hall you get no Warning, but in Professional Snooker, you would.

Which comes back to, whether or not its a Sport Geared Idealogy.

My Main Point is, that in Sports, Position is Important.
In Non-Sport Martial Arts, Rank Represents your Knowledge and Experience.
And without Rank, there are many Variables.

Say you go to a Karate Dojo for the first time, and say youve been doing it for 2 Years.
You might still be one of the Worst Karatekas they have.
And itd take them Hours to have you go over everything you claim to know, just to get an Idea of your Knowledge.
Belts take away the needless Variables, and give you an Immediate, Direct Representation.
Say you go to a Karate Dojo for the first time, and say youve been doing it for 2 Years.
You might still be one of the Worst Karatekas they have.
And itd take them Hours to have you go over everything you claim to know, just to get an Idea of your Knowledge.
Belts take away the needless Variables, and give you an Immediate, Direct Representation.

I suppose I'm used to seeing a person who claims to be better at something than they are, to get their **** thoroughly beaten at the level they say they are. Humiliation quickly relegates an athelete to a more appropriate level.
I suppose I'm used to seeing a person who claims to be better at something than they are, to get their **** thoroughly beaten at the level they say they are. Humiliation quickly relegates an athelete to a more appropriate level.
Extremely Strict Standards keep them from ever being Higher than they should be, also.