The stories I heard would gag a maggot. The entire congress, from both parties, just seem to think that they can get away with anything as long as their staff keeps things quiet. Considering the fact that someone was caught of sleeping with a page younger than the age of consent and managed to serve until he retired, I guess they don't have to worry.
Japan is a bigger trading partner and a more important ally than most third world nations. Yet when the 1995 Kobe earthquake hit, there really was not a lot of congressmen who showed up to survey the damage done. Keep that in mind as you see what happens whenever a place like Belize has some sort of natural disaster. Not only that, but the various trade delegations and such seem to go to third world nations and not those like Japan. What do these nations seem to have in common? They all are notorious for underage prostitution. :angry:
It happened under democrats, and this type of abuse of power is still going on. It is a matter of people who think that because they give their life in service to America that they deserve a little slack when it comes to legal and moral issues. That and that they think that the laws they write do not apply to them.
And yeah, you can't do anything based on rumors and stories. You can't act against someone, you can't even investigate someone if it is one of those friend of a friend type of things. Unless some of the staff that set these type of thing up and clean up afterwards comes forward, the slime balls are going to keep at it. And those that know are probably not eager to go through the public flogging that we saw the women involved in the Clinton scandal went through. That type of behavior is just part and parcel of the political situation in Washington and it makes me sick.
That's why I said in the beginning that this was NOT a Democrat or Republican issue, rather a human one. Both parties in Congress have skeletons in their closets and NEITHER has a monopoloy on either good or evil. Let's face it, Democratic Congressman and women would probably try to cover for one of their own as quickly as Republican - and vice versus.
Much of this "outrage" is simply posturing.