Cool! Thanks for the thoughts! I have really come to realize that it is natural and that it is OK. Also, even if I am wrong, and nobody gets hurt, it is OK, to be wrong. Although, I have had some new experiences since this one that have been quite interesting. The most recent one, was this weekend while my wife and I were staying in another city on a weekend getaway.
Although, this time, it was a someone on the street (panhandler or that sort) who approached us from behind (although he was already on radar before we had even turned the corner of the block). However, this time, my experience was different. I moved my wife in front of me as the person approached us from behind, just as he approached the edge of the "Safe" range behind me, I quickly turned on the person and I looked him straight in the eyes and in a resolute voice said "what do you want?!?". The person started acting drunk and quickly mumbled something about being in trouble and high-tailed it out of there, diving into a local pub as quickly as he could.
The difference with this experience versus the last, was I felt completely calm, as if I was in training. I also looked him straight in the eyes and felt as though no matter what he tried, he was not going to succeed and at the same time, I was relaxed. After he moved on, I went on about my business. I wasn't fearful or excited or felt like I had somehow escaped death, I simply just went on as if I was completely in tune with everything around me. Actually, it felt very care-free, the whole time.
Not really knowing how to explain this, but I am beginning to not feel as though I have to be "on-guard" all the time. I feel as though, if I just not worry about things and just let things flow, I will be given the forewarning I need when danger arrives. Just like us walking down the street this weekend. I wasn't on-watch, just all of a sudden my attention was drawn to this person. I wasn't trying to spot a bad person, the bad person just showed themselves, so to speak.
Weird stuff for sure!