Obama calls fluke over fake controversy

Another article in the arena of "people in glass houses..."

http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Journalism/2012/03/13/Al Sharpton Slut-Gate

If offensive slurs are a problem for the left, why does Al Sharpton have a primetime slot on MSNBC?

The left has started a war against Rush Limbaugh -- a war it cannot win. Limbaugh said something for which he later apologized, and rather than accept that apology, the left and its media allies decided to exploit the situation, turning it into a crusade to take an opposing voice off the air.
Even the White House has jumped on this neo-fascist bandwagon. Not the Obama campaign. The White House. The People's House.
This is, pure and simple, a crusade to censor political speech disguising itself as something else, and it's a crusade led by Media Matters for America, the Obama political machine, and the mainstream media.
And as a result….
Today, Obama sits at 41% in opinion polls -- his lowest approval rating ever. Part of this poll collapse most certainly has to do with a stagnant economy and gas prices, but a lot of it has to do with the fact that Obama has started a stupid war against a nonexistent war on women (which is really Obama's war against the Catholic Church and religious liberty), and the fact that he has once again been found hanging out with another divisive, radical racialist.
As a result, Obama now looks like a Chicago political thug and nothing like a President of the United States. This was especially apparent when he tried to draw Limbaugh into this war on women nonsense.

And on to Al "Tawana Brawley" Sharpton...

Breaking today at the American Spectator is more bad news for a network devoting so much of its airtime to creating a rule that says someone should be pulled off the air for anything he or she has said that might be considered offensive.
Using MSNBC's own standards, should the man who once said the following be allowed to hold a primetime MSNBC slot?
David Dinkins, you wanna be the only ****** on television, only ****** in the newspaper, only ****** that can talk. Don't cover them, don't talk to them, 'cause you got the only ****** problem. 'Cause you know if a black man stood up next to you, they would see you for the whore that you really are.
That's MSNBC's Al Sharpton--many years ago, but just as shocking today. I can already hear the excuse -- that it's okay for him to use the N-word because he's black. But I wonder what CNN's Roland Martin will think of this:
White folks was in the cave when we were building empires. We learned to admire them, but they knew to admire us. We built pyramids without a ____, ____ new architecture ____. We talked philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it.
"Greek homos."
Just a few weeks ago, Roland Martin was suspended from CNN after GLAAD took offense to a few Super Bowl tweets few but GLAAD could ever find offensive -- tweets that never even broached the subject of homosexuality.


Yes Mr. President, another anti-american, racist as a friend, do you have any non-racist, anti-american friends?

And the President's friend said what...

But that's not all! How about a side order of "Chinaman" to go with that "homo":
You the best chicken ____ in the universe. Gonna buy some Colonel Sanders chicken. Then the Chinaman come in and throw some hot ___ [cough] ___. Then the Korean sells us watermelon. ___ watermelon all my life. They're gonna cut it up and put it in a bucket with a rubber band around it, and then we're gonna buy it like it's somethin we didn't know what it was.
And finally we have this:
"___ uh, white interloper I said I was wrong. uh, uh, cracker, though I think cracker is a certain personification of a certain type of person down south, just like redneck. I mean, you know some people misinterpret cracker meaning all whites, it's not true. But the confusion means you shouldn't use it. I mean, sometimes being flippant you say things you shouldn't say, cause it gets in the way of your message and people don't really understand what you're saying."
"White interloper." I don’t even know what that means, but "cracker" is a slur against white Southerners -- end of story.

True, Sharpton said these things long before he was on MSNBC. But his history was well known, and the lack of outrage from the left when he was elevated to primetime highlights the hypocrisy of their anti-Rush censorship crusade. MSNBC President Phil Griffin knew that Sharpton said this sort of stuff regularly--that, in fact, such bigotry and radical rhetoric was an integral part of the Sharpton persona. He hired him nonetheless.

These stories are why Andrew Breitbart and his happy warriors are so important. No one else in the main stream media is covering this...
Limbaugh presented a rhetorical question that simply asked, "Does this certain set of circumstances (asking others to pay for her sex) make Fluke a slut or prostitute." He then went on and moments later said she was not a slut (nor, presumably, a prostitute) and he took back the rhetorical question. At least it reads in the transcript on his show's website. The media must have a very different version of what he said.

Now if I could only figure out why in the world some Irish guy in the 1700s proposed that poor people sell their children to the rich to be eaten! That's one sick dude!

It was, after all, a fairly modest proposal. That was rather swift of you, though....:lol:....trying to make what Rush said into "satire," when, "rhetorical question" or not, it clearly was not meant to be satirical.....

Of course it wasn't meant to be satire. Satire isn't the only rhetorical device when attempting to make a point, and the emphasis on 'attempting' is all mine. ;)

The author of this article makes some of these same points I have tried to make, but does so much more elequently.

Even tho' I disagree with the implicit attempt to divert attention away from the Republican's party's manifest problems, that did make me laugh - I think its the donkey's dropped jaw that does it :D.
[h=1]From Bristol Palin's blog:

Mr. President, When Should I Expect Your Call?[/h] Posted on March 18, 2012 by Bristol Palin


Dear President Obama,
You don’t know my telephone number, but I hope your staff is busy trying to find it. Ever since you called Sandra Fluke after Rush Limbaugh called her a slut, I figured I might be next. You explained to reporters you called her because you were thinking of your two daughters, Malia and Sasha. After all, you didn’t want them to think it was okay for men to treat them that way:
“One of the things I want them to do as they get older is engage in issues they care about, even ones I may not agree with them on,” you said. “I want them to be able to speak their mind in a civil and thoughtful way. And I don’t want them attacked or called horrible names because they’re being good citizens.”
And I totally agree your kids should be able to speak their minds and engage the culture. I look forward to seeing what good things Malia and Sasha end up doing with their lives.
But here’s why I’m a little surprised my phone hasn’t rung. Your $1,000,000 donor Bill Maher has said reprehensible things about my family. He’s made fun of my brother because of his Down’s Syndrome. He’s said I was “f—-d so hard a baby fell out.” (In a classy move, he did this while his producers put up the cover of my book, which tells about the forgiveness and redemption I’ve found in God after my past – very public — mistakes.)
End Excerpt
Hmmm...is obama going to give back spike lee's 1.6 million dollar donation and call the people who live at the address and sympathize with them since lee tweeted the address, hoping actual violence would happen to the people at that address. Hmmmm...I think not. If obama had to give back all the money from liberals who "acted stupidly" would he have any money for his campaign?
Which is the worse word, "Slut," "prostitute," or "Whore," and who uses them more often in referring to their political opponents...


The contest for Connecticut’s US Senate seat got ugly Thursday when one candidate called another a “whore” during a debate on live television. Lee Whitnum ripped Congressman Chris Murphy over his pro-Israel stance.

“I’m dealing with a whore here who sells his soul to AIPAC [The American Israel Public Affairs Committee], who will say anything for the job,” Whitnum said. She also referred to state representative William Tong as “ignorant.”

“I’ve advocated for the candidates to be part of these debates,” Murphy hit back. “I might think twice about that with that kind of awful language being used on the airwaves.”

Add to that going after the other sides families, at home and while they are out in public minding their own business...


the anger directed at his teenage sons and also his elderly parents:
I had thousands of people bussed in front of my home in Wauwatosa where I've got two high school sons living, and I've got parents in [their] 70s. At one point last year, my 16 year old and my mother in her 70s were at a grocery store and got yelled at. I've had my kids targeted on Facebook; we've had all those sorts of things.​
If people want to get together to protest and even yell at the governor, that's acceptable -- but turning that anger on a 16 year old is disgusting.
Hmmm...Obama doesn't like when Rush uses the word "slut," but pals around with these guys, even inviting them to the white house for a little social visit...what a world we live in...


[h=2]Talk about a "War on Women": this past week, the White Housewelcomed members of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood, the radical Islamist organization whose Freedom and Justice Party won the largest number of seats in that country's parliamentary elections and which may take the Egyptian presidency as well. [/h]The Brotherhood remains staunchly anti-American, anti-Israeli, anti-Christian, anti-Jew -- and anti-woman. In an interview posted today by Kerry Picket of the Washington Times, a member of the Brotherhood's delegation confirmed that sharia, or Islamic law, would guide all lawmaking in Egypt under his party's rule.
Since its origins in Egypt in the 1950, the Muslim Brotherhood has established branches throughout the Middle East, and contacts in the West as well. It has carried out and supported countless acts of terror and murder, and spread the radical Islamist ideology that sustains public support for terrorism.

I just hope that these guys never use the word "Slut," that might really make obama mad...