Obama calls fluke over fake controversy

Unless you're interested in wasting money, you cover enough to get the job done, because the alternative is massive expenditure. Covering only the cheapest generic is not good policy. For anyone.
And I dont know what else they cover the reporter went in and purchased BC for 9 bucks they didnt list how many brands or what brands were covered they only got 1 kind for the story the point is what she said was either a Lie or she didnt look real hard for an alternative for her problem and just expects the Govt to fix it.

If someone in the left says something as vile and no one says anything, then by all means call us on it. However, blaming this young woman for Rush's lies and slander is maronic.
Why dont the left call themselves on it? I dont care what Rush or anyone else says but just be fair if its bad for one then its bad for all.
Why dont the left call themselves on it? I dont care what Rush or anyone else says but just be fair if its bad for one then its bad for all.

Well,NOW condemned Bill Maher calling Sarah Palin a "****." I don't know if you consider them "the left," or not. I honestly didn't hear any of the other things.
Here is some more tripe, from Dana Loesch, Bigjournalism contributor...

http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Journalism/2012/03/05/Wheres My Presidental Phone Call

The media played up a carefully orchestrated story designed to shield the President from criticism that his health care mandate was a violation of religious freedom. Why is that not a story? Because if the Obama campaign slips and allows this election cycle to refocus on the economy, he will lose. By keeping the glare of the public eye trained on manufactured outrages like rehashed 60s issues, Obama can inflame his base and stand a chance against the Republican nominee.
This is why it's important to reject the false narrative that this has anything at all to do with access to birth control -- especially since the only obstacle to a woman working for a Catholic entity is that she must buy her own contraception. This is all about a violation of First Amendment rights. If the government is given leeway to abridge your freedom to practice your religion as you see fit -- a right which doesn't change simply if you own and operate a business -- then they can assume other rights as well.
It's why this outrage is phony. If progressives were truly consistent and genuine, they would be offended at all variations of the use, and not just when it's used by their side. If the media wasn't to blatant in their efforts to run defense for the Obama administration, they'd note this, as well.
That being said, where's my phone call?
Rush has a lot of listeners who use the products he advertises, but maybe not this product...they did something silly and are now paying for it...hopefully...


On Saturday, Carbonite CEO David Friend released a statement on his company’s website declaring that Carbonite had decided to “withdraw” advertising from Rush Limbaugh’s radio show in the wake of his controversial remarks involving Georgetown Law student Sandra Fluke because it will “ultimately contribute to a more civilized public discourse”:
Even though Mr. Limbaugh has now issued an apology, we have nonetheless decided to withdraw our advertising from his show. We hope that our action, along with the other advertisers who have already withdrawn their ads, will ultimately contribute to a more civilized public discourse.
However, it hasn’t done much to contribute to his company’s stock price. Since the market opened on Monday through its close today, Carbonite stock (NASDAQ:CARB) has plummeted nearly 12 percent, outpacing the drop of the NASDAQ index in that same time period by nine-and-a-half points. It was also one of the biggest decliners on the NASDAQ on Tuesday.

Hmmmm...Carbonite still seems to be advertising on the Ed Shultz show...well, the double standard seals the deal, I will be canceling my carbonite today.

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billcihak said:
Rush has a lot of listeners who use the products he advertises, but maybe not this product...they did something silly and are now paying for it...hopefully...


I guess I'm wasting my breath.....or typing, Whatever. Fact is, Carbonite's IPO was only in August of last year-it was about $10 a share. It jumped about 25% immediately afterward, and has been all over the place with the vagaries of the market-while it's decline this week was higher than the overall NASDAQ decline, there was a NASDAQ decline. And, in fact, Carbonite stock has been generally declining since October of last year-it's part of a continuing trend.

All of this, of course, has only a little to do with how many consumers are actually backing up their data with Carbonite's services.

In any case, the stock was overvalued at it's IPO-there was a lot of argument about that price, with numbers as high as $17 being tossed around, and as low as $6.25-which probably would have been about right. We'll probably see Carbonite settle out around just under $9, a true reflection of their value and consumer usage.
43 advertisers down, or reinforcing "Do not buy" order to 3rd party purchasers. Keep on swinging, Rush, you'll finish losing the fight you picked someday.
Well,NOW condemned Bill Maher calling Sarah Palin a "****." I don't know if you consider them "the left," or not. I honestly didn't hear any of the other things.

Yes, that seems to be part of the point they are making with regards to the hypocrisy.
Meanwhile, in other news, as Rush continues to bleed sponsors and affiliates, this online pimp site wants to advertise on his show........speaking of "prostitutes" and all....:lfao:

“Rush Limbaugh, who married a blonde bombshell half his age, is a model Sugar Daddy,” the company announced. “The moniker of a Sugar Daddy is that of an older, successful, wealthy man romantically involved with a younger, beautiful woman, much like the relationship Rush shares with his much younger wife, Lauryn Rogers.”
“Rush Limbaugh is one of the greatest examples of the modern day Sugar Daddy,” Wade said in a press release. “We wouldn’t feel right if we didn’t come forward and support him in his time of need.”

Now that there would be some hypocrisy we all can believe in....:lfao:

crushing said:
Yes, that seems to be part of the point they are trying to make with regards to the hypocrisy.

There ya go-fixed that for ya. :lfao:

Seriously, if there was no "Conservative outrage" over "liberal slander," then who's to blame?
Seriously, if there was no "Conservative outrage" over "liberal slander," then who's to blame?

We are not the ones trying to shut people up. The left are the ones so upset over a word. Yet funny thing is its not really the word at all they are upset about its the person that said the word. If it were the word that was wrong then they would be equal about its use and the boycott no matter who says it. President Obama calls Fluke and is outraged by the language yet refuses to give Maher back a million dollars he donated to his Super PAC when Maher has used the same language.

So again the left does not care about Fluke or the word Slut at all. They only care that they can create a "Victim" to shut someone up that they dont like.
ballen0351 said:
President Obama calls Fluke and is outraged by the language yet refuses to give Maher back a million dollars he donated to his Super PAC when Maher has used the same language.

Ya see that right there? Why don't you start a FB campaign to make the Super Pac (not really President Obama, but....) give back the money for the same reason?

ballen0351 said:
So again the left does not care about Fluke or the word Slut at all. They only care that they can create a "Victim" to shut someone up that they dont like.

Well yeah, but I'd like him to shut up too-along with Olbermann.....oh, wait.....and Maher...

Rush Limbaugh makes people like me-serious Republicans-get lumped in with idiots who blame the Democratic party of today for slavery, blame Nazism, genocide, and all the worlds other ills, on "the Left,' dismiss science as"left-wing propaganda," deny global climate change, insist that there's no looming oil crisis, promote jingoism, sexism, and racism, and back whacko economic theories that only benefit the rich as increasing prosperity for all. They lead to the dismissal of serious, thoughtful candidates like John Huntsman as "RINOs," and the serious backing of intellectual lightweights like Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann.

In short, they make us look as stupid as they sound, by association, even when I agree with what they have to say.

Yes, I wish Bill Maher would shut up-I've caught some of his current program from time to time, though-the last few minutes waiting for the show that followed it-and, he's clearly trying to have it both ways: be a comedian AND have serious conversation. I've found his show to be discordant, with his little breaks to do a "bit," and I don't agree with him on most things. Plus, he clearly thinks he's smarter than everyone else, and comes across as smarmy....but he's also pretty clearly trying to entertain, most of the time, and I don't think anyone takes anything he has to say as seriously as some do take Rush Limbaugh.
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Ya see that right there? Why don't you start a FB campaign to make the Super Pac (not really President Obama, but....) give back the money for the same reason?
Because Im not the one call for Rush to be fired I think you should be allowed to say anything you want. BUT If your against the word Slut then be fair and be against EVERYONE that says it not just people you dont like.
Because Im not the one call for Rush to be fired I think you should be allowed to say anything you want. BUT If your against the word Slut then be fair and be against EVERYONE that says it not just people you dont like.

get over it already.

Bad enough that you don't get it that it's indecent to call a woman a slut, if it offends you that 'those other guys' got away with it, start a campaign.

On the same note, Palin defended Limbaugh....I suppose she was not offended by being called the c word.....

So, one more time:
When you run out of arguments, it's not OK to insult the other side.

And if you are the only person attention is being paid to, don't complain when you alone are being taken offense to for the bad behavior.

Get it? Got it?

Limbaugh presented a rhetorical question that simply asked, "Does this certain set of circumstances (asking others to pay for her sex) make Fluke a slut or prostitute." He then went on and moments later said she was not a slut (nor, presumably, a prostitute) and he took back the rhetorical question. At least it reads in the transcript on his show's website. The media must have a very different version of what he said.

Now if I could only figure out why in the world some Irish guy in the 1700s proposed that poor people sell their children to the rich to be eaten! That's one sick dude!
crushing said:
Limbaugh presented a rhetorical question that simply asked, "Does this certain set of circumstances (asking others to pay for her sex) make Fluke a slut or prostitute." He then went on and moments later said she was not a slut (nor, presumably, a prostitute) and he took back the rhetorical question. At least it reads in the transcript on his show's website. The media must have a very different version of what he said.

Inasmuch as Rush must have had a very different version of what she said, since her testimony wasn't about her personal behavior or medical needs at all, as the transcript shows.

crushing said:
Now if I could only figure out why in the world some Irish guy in the 1700s proposed that poor people sell their children to the rich to be eaten! That's one sick dude!

It was, after all, a fairly modest proposal. That was rather swift of you, though....:lol:....trying to make what Rush said into "satire," when, "rhetorical question" or not, it clearly was not meant to be satirical.....
get over it already.

Bad enough that you don't get it that it's indecent to call a woman a slut, if it offends you that 'those other guys' got away with it, start a campaign.
No because Im not offended. YOU are the one that said it is the worst thing you could ever call a woman so YOU are offended so YOU should start a campaign. But YOU wont because YOU dont care about what was said you only care about WHO said it.

On the same note, Palin defended Limbaugh....I suppose she was not offended by being called the c word.....
Like I said the only ones that want to silence people are the left.

So, one more time:
When you run out of arguments, it's not OK to insult the other side.
Or type in BIG font and tell people to get over it.

And if you are the only person attention is being paid to, don't complain when you alone are being taken offense to for the bad behavior.
And when its brought to your attention that there are others where was the outrage? You dont care about Fluke you care about getting Rush its simple.

Get it? Got it?

I got it its called Hypocrisy
It was, after all, a fairly modest proposal. That was rather swift of you, though....:lol:....trying to make what Rush said into "satire," when, "rhetorical question" or not, it clearly was not meant to be satirical.....

Of course it wasn't meant to be satire. Satire isn't the only rhetorical device when attempting to make a point, and the emphasis on 'attempting' is all mine. ;)
The problem is, as I've said before to much wailing, that the level at which politics is played in America is that of the playground. These 'people' you are referencing and taking to be such 'apostles' are not serious political commentators.

Start treating it as an adult subject and stop behaving like special-needs children being lead astray by the cool teen who smokes and drinks Diamond White behind the bike sheds and things might improve. Otherwise, things'll continue the way they have and, in the end, China will be running the world.

Over here, we restrict our politicians to behaving like self-absorbed teens when they're actually in the House ... shame .... shame ... {waves ballot paper} ... I put it to the honourable gentleman that he is a {beeeeep}. Likewise our political commentary actually tends to be quite serious, unless you read the tabloids {blush}.

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