These are completely neutral?
1) "This stinks" is considered neutral? Want to stand by the family, thats fine, but "This stinks"? Speaking of which, he supports the families, but not the police? The guys that risk their lives to protect him from criminals don't deserve his support?
2) police brutality has not been determined.
3) Thats already been mentioned. They were armed. What number of shots would have made you happy? 10? 4? These cops wanted to stop the ability of these men to run over any more cops/civilians. It will be determined later if excessive force was used.
I'll withhold judgement on the situation. I was not there, and I don't know the men involved. I'll posit that Sharpton does not either. Now, Sharpton I've observed over the past years. He has precedent. Sharpton is free to say what he wants, but I also reserve the right to respond. Sharpton wants to paint a picture of police brutality, I'll posit the alternative.
It seems Sharpton wants a lynching. I'm not up for that. Maybe these guys are guilty and deserve punishment. Maybe they are innocent and acted properly. Either way, I don't like Sharptons automatic assumption of guilt.
Would it have been better if they were civilians? The only thing that changed in this circumstance is these guys had the ability to stop them.
So, you would ram some cops too... lets find out some information here then. 1) Why were undercover cops there? 2) Why was an undercover van there 3) what were these guys being probed for (assuming they were) and were they engaged in any illicit activity in that bar?
Is there bias in asking these questions about the victims? Sort of... questions seemed to have been raised about the cops, but I'm not hearing anything about these guys that were shot. Lets get both sides here.
One of the things that is aggrevating about this is the contradictory eye witness accounts... going to make it difficult to get the truth. What should be telling are videos that might arise and police records. I'm sure they have records of their undercover activities.
Did you really just say that "I'll withhold judgement", one paragraph before
"If Sharpton wants a Lynching" ? ? ? That language doesn't connote judgement at all, does it?
I guess I would have to ask ... How would you describe it, if a groom dies on his wedding day, at anyone's hands? Seems to me that "This Stinks" is an understatement.
And ... at 4 in the morning NOBODY KNEW THEY WERE COPS. The reports are exceedingly vague when it comes to the officers identifying themselves. At 4 in the morning ... it was some plain clothed thug with a gun, following the young men as they left the club.