
"Nah....them chucks don't work worth a sh#="


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A few laughs


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Oh yes lol. Makes life interesting though. :)
An attendee at some communication training I delivered for a client this week shared this story. Their company was bought out a few decades ago by a more conservative company. At a meeting in London, an executive from the new parent company was sharing with 200 people some of the changes that were being instituted, including changes in dress code. "For one, women will no longer be allowed to wear pants." Silence, then, slowly, all the men started clapping.
It seems to me the armpit catch is the best nunchaku strike? The bounce back is easier controlled by a downward pull.
I really am surprised Elmore's STREET CHUCKS is not more popular? It's perfect. All the nunchaku is a 2 piece club joined by a short chain used to beat, joint lock or choke an aggressor with. I'm not aware of another weapon which was plucked from obscurity & elevated to such a mythical status all because of a Hollywood movie. I can't believe there are actual organized sparring contests using them. That makes about as much sense as billlyclub beat downs?
I really am surprised Elmore's STREET CHUCKS is not more popular? It's perfect. All the nunchaku is a 2 piece club joined by a short chain used to beat, joint lock or choke an aggressor with. I'm not aware of another weapon which was plucked from obscurity & elevated to such a mythical status all because of a Hollywood movie. I can't believe there are actual organized sparring contests using them. That makes about as much sense as billlyclub beat downs?

Yep that Hollywood film was Peter Seller's Pink Panther which pre dated Enter the Dragon by 9 years. Most of us of a certain age knew about the use of nunchaku long before Bruce Lee.
I think the first time the nunchaku was used in a PINK PANTHER film was THE PINK PANTHER STRIKES AGAIN which was released in 1976 four years after FIST OF FURY. Ed Parker was in THE REVENGE OF THE PINK PANTHER which as I said was, released in 1978.
It doesn't matter anyway the nunchaku is a crap SD weapon. It's great to increase dexterity but not got fighting unless you're in a fantasy kung fu movie. I've never heard of the nunchaku doing anything but joint locks. I read yesterday Lee wasn't that great of a fighter in real life.
It doesn't matter anyway the nunchaku is a crap SD weapon. It's great to increase dexterity but not got fighting unless you're in a fantasy kung fu movie

This not to say the nunchaku IN TRAINED HANDS can not be a deadly weapon. It's just that in the vast majority of cases the weilder has no training & thinks all here has to do is flail-away, which is wrong.
It doesn't matter anyway the nunchaku is a crap SD weapon. It's great to increase dexterity but not got fighting unless you're in a fantasy kung fu movie. I've never heard of the nunchaku doing anything but joint locks. I read yesterday Lee wasn't that great of a fighter in real life.
"I see you're drinking 1%. Is that 'cause you think you're fat? Because you're not. You could be drinking whole if you wanted to. Well, I have all your equipment in my locker. You should probably come get it cause I can't fit my nunchucks in there anymore."