Nunchaku for Self-Defense

Mr. Elmore have you ever trained with a real kobudo teacher?From your link I would guess no.Please get some training and not just home self correction then consider rewriting your booklet.It is incorrect in almost every concievable way.
I really laughed when I saw the mistranslated figure eight maneuver.What would that possibly do except get yourself disarmed?The real way is the Japanese figure eight,not two connected circles but two downward strikes.The nunchaku should be held about one inch from the end and swung with the sticks and string forming a straight line in order to achieve maximum power from the centrifugal force generated.The behind the back catch is a completely misunderstood kamae that should have the weapon in front of you looking through the opening,guarding the head and shoulder areas.
I could go on and on but I think you would be better off to actually attend some kobudo classes.What area do you live in?I have a kobudo dojo in central Florida if that might be convenient for you.If not I have friends all over the world that could assist you.
Bruce Lee was a very entertaining movie star and he did a wonderfull job of making his nunchaku a joy to watch,but his movie nunchaku techniques would be totally useless in a real confrontation.His speed was the only thing his nunchaku had going for them and it is not likely you or many others could pull that off.
Despite your disclaimers in your booklet some innocents may read that and get seriuosly injured by your guidance.Whether you want to except it or not their injuries will be your fault and responsibility.Do you also write booklets on self trained brainsurgery?
Tom Hodges
Mr. Elmore I would recommend finding a freestyle numchuks forum to share your work with,it is much more in line with what they do.I would also then remove the self defence titles and replace that with freestyle basics.You have spent a great deal of time organizing your thoughts on this subject and I think you may have just shared it with the wrong audience.Some of us have actually trained under real kobudo instructors and practice nunchaku kihon in order to understand what atually will and more importantly what will not work.
I am sorry if I have offended you in any way ,I hope this was taken in a constructive way and you will act upon it and seek out the instruction you need.
Tom Hodges
I haven't read the article yet, however, I would think that this weapon is one that is not legal to carry. For myself if I was going to carry a weapon, Id want to carry something thats a) easy to conceal, b) legal to carry and c) simple to use.

Now, don't get me wrong, for traditional purposes, I think its a good weapon, but for practical purposes, I have to say no.

You may want to check out 'Street Sword' and see if that better meets your criteria.

You may want to check out 'Street Sword' and see if that better meets your criteria.


Ahh..yes, I remember that thread. Personally, I have nothing against learning how to use weapons. Granted, in the past, they had their practical application and in todays world, while we can't carry a bo staff down the street with us, I see nothing wrong with training with those types of weapons, for historical purposes.

For myself, I have done some weapon training, but my primary focus is on the weapons that can be found in the Filipino arts, such as Arnis..the stick and blade. :)
Any weapon intended to be used as a weapon is illegal to carry.A poket knife if used as a tool is legal,when used as a weapon it is illegal.Don't fool yourselves a weapon is anything used to cause injury to another even your hands if trained to do so.So unless yopu intend to cut your hands and feet off when leaving your house or dojo then the legal issue is of no consideration.I carry what I feel comfortable carrying and will deal with the consequences when I need to.But I don't intend to deal with those legal issues from a hospital room.
Tom Hodges
Any weapon intended to be used as a weapon is illegal to carry.A poket knife if used as a tool is legal,when used as a weapon it is illegal.Don't fool yourselves a weapon is anything used to cause injury to another even your hands if trained to do so.So unless yopu intend to cut your hands and feet off when leaving your house or dojo then the legal issue is of no consideration.I carry what I feel comfortable carrying and will deal with the consequences when I need to.But I don't intend to deal with those legal issues from a hospital room.
Tom Hodges

I can completely legally open carry or concealed carry a pistol. I'm not planning on using it as a hammer, prybar, or toothpick, it is by definition a weapon. If I use this weapon in a self-defense situation I may or may not be charged with a crime. If I carry and wind up using an illegal weapon, which in most jurisdictions are already defined as "deadly" or "dangerous" weapons, I already have a strike against me in the eye's of the law because I have broken the law, just like my attacker(s).

Any weapon intended to be used as a weapon is illegal to carry.A poket knife if used as a tool is legal,when used as a weapon it is illegal.Don't fool yourselves a weapon is anything used to cause injury to another even your hands if trained to do so.So unless yopu intend to cut your hands and feet off when leaving your house or dojo then the legal issue is of no consideration.I carry what I feel comfortable carrying and will deal with the consequences when I need to.But I don't intend to deal with those legal issues from a hospital room.
Tom Hodges

Too large a blanket statement. It all depends on the state code and local laws. For example, until last July, you could legally carry a machete concealed in Virginia -- if you had a mind to. Several courts had held that it didn't meet the definition of "dirk, bowie..." in the Virginia code. As a result of the popularity of the machete with gangs, it got added specifically. (Nunchaku, under several names, and shuriken are both explicitly prohibited.) While much will turn on the purpose or justification for carrying a given knife or weapon (a machete in a bag of garden tools is much more believable than a machete hidden down the pants leg; nunchuka in a bag with a martial arts uniform is probably going to be OK, but hidden in your coat... probably a bad decision.)

NOTE: I am not providing legal guidance or advice; contact a lawyer for that.
Here in Oregon you can carry nunchuaku as long as they are not concealed, or they are not "readily accessible" like buried in the bottom of your karate bag.

Handguns are the only weapon we are allowed to conceal -- and that only with a permit - which is specifically a concealed handgun permit.

However, you can carry all kinds of weapons openly, as long as they're legal to possess in the first place. In today's culture, however the wisdom in carrying openly is suspect. (Usually only reserved for hiking and hunting.)
Thank you for writing this and making the use of this amazing weapon available to people who would otherwise have no access to it. A friend of mine and I are avid supporters of the nunchaku and we believe in how effective a tool of self defense in common situations it is.
Thank you for writing this and making the use of this amazing weapon available to people who would otherwise have no access to it. A friend of mine and I are avid supporters of the nunchaku and we believe in how effective a tool of self defense in common situations it is.

Are you kidding me.
The fact that you are carrying a weapon shows premeditated intent to do bodily harm in any situation that you think may be justified.That will constitute that initial strike against you.I am not saying don't carry a weapon,I am saying in the eyes of the law using a weapon puts you at a legal disadvantage.It does not matter much what the law allows in your area,it matters how good the legal council is that the person you injure has.I am in favor of using whatever you need to defend yourself,but it will be much better for you legaly to use what you may find at hand when the situation arises rather than bring the weapon with you.
Tom Hodges
The fact that you are carrying a weapon shows premeditated intent to do bodily harm in any situation that you think may be justified.
No, it shows that you are prepared to effectively defend yourself if you are faced with a criminal assault.

CCW laws (of which your state has one of the best) exist so that people can carry weapons. In states/countries with more draconian laws (e.g. Cali. Mass, NY, IL, etc.) it would be advantageous to only carry items that could legitimately be classified as a "tool." Thankfully, in the free states, we don't have to worry as much about this.

Regarding the initial post...:rolleyes:
As best as I can find in New York State Statute, it is illegal to even posess a nunchaku or what NYS Statute calls a "chuka stick"

S 265.00 Definitions.
* 14. "Chuka stick" means any device designed primarily as a weapon,
consisting of two or more lengths of a rigid material joined together by
a thong, rope or chain in such a manner as to allow free movement of a
portion of the device while held in the hand and capable of being
rotated in such a manner as to inflict serious injury upon a person by
striking or choking. These devices are also known as nunchakus and
centrifugal force sticks.

S 265.01 Criminal possession of a weapon in the fourth degree.
A person is guilty of criminal possession of a weapon in the fourth
degree when:
(1) He possesses any firearm, electronic dart gun, electronic stun
gun, gravity knife, switchblade knife, pilum ballistic knife, metal
knuckle knife, cane sword, billy, blackjack, bludgeon, metal knuckles,
chuka stick, sand bag, sandclub, wrist-brace type slingshot or
slungshot, shirken or "Kung Fu star"; or ........

I honestly don't know about the practicality of training with this weapon, let alone carrying this weapon where I live. I'm not giving legal advice, and I suggest you best check with your Attorney.

I think I'll stick to something more practical.
Interesting attempt. Keep working and working with that Photographer.

You could be the 'Ron Jeremy' of Martial arts eventually.

Best of luck,

Thank you for writing this and making the use of this amazing weapon available to people who would otherwise have no access to it. A friend of mine and I are avid supporters of the nunchaku and we believe in how effective a tool of self defense in common situations it is.

HUH!?! :(

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